A Clean Slate

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The Next Day
August 24th; 2023
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I've felt sick before. I've had the flu, meningitis, all types of things. Nothing could have prepared me for what withdrawal feels like. I can't keep anything down. I've been throwing up constantly to the point where my throat is sore. If I try to cope with the withdrawal by drinking I throw up within minutes so I stopped trying. I've stopped washing out my mouth since I know I'm just going to throw up again within the hour. Joe told me I should go to rehab but I refused so he has been staying in the guest room and getting me whatever I need. Whether it's getting me some water or new clothes to change into because I've ruined my 8th pair of pajamas. I put my hair up in a bun to avoid getting vomit in my hair. When Joe hears me throwing up he comes and sits with me. The company is appreciated. Sometimes he rubs my back gently without words but it speaks volumes.
I told Tom I needed to stay by myself for the week to work on the album. He shouldn't be showing up which is great. Why am I still with him? The world may never know.

I've been trying to sleep through as much of the withdrawal as I can but the symptoms are exhausting. Nausea is the most prominent but I've also had awful muscle aches and stomach cramps. My anxiety has been turned up 10 notches and it's like I can feel my heart beating through my chest. I've had bad tremors and I'm just constantly freezing. It's around 2 a.m. right now and I'm trying to sleep but I can't. My symptoms are overwhelming and getting the best of me. I have my eyes closed in hopes I'll fall asleep but I know I won't.
I feel a small bug crawling on my wrist and I groan. I slap my wrist to kill it but the feeling persists. I shake my arm but the bug crawls up further. Then I feel another bug but it feels like it's under my skin. I sit up in my bed instantly extremely confused. "What the hell?" My life started to become a living hell. Dozens of bugs are crawling under my skin.

"Help! Help me!" I wasn't screaming for specifically Joe. I was screaming for anyone to help me because I was in a nightmare. I start to scratch my skin to get rid of the insects. I just want to cut into my skin and force them to crawl out.

Joe comes running into the room and turns on the light. "What's wrong?" He watches as I intensely scratch at my arms, beginning to draw blood.

"There's bugs! There's bugs under my skin." I now realize I'm crying in fear and pain.

Joe takes one of my arms and lifts the sleeves. "Taylor, there's nothing there."

"No, look! You have to see!" I look down at my arm and see nothing but scratches and some blood.

"You're hallucinating, it's not real. It's called formication. It's because of the oxy. Now that you don't have it, your brain is freaking out and doing weird things to you."

"I can feel them! They're right under my skin." The bugs have now invaded my entire body. I can feel them from my feet to my neck.

"Your brain is lying to you. It's not real."

"It's not real?" I scratch at my hands and try to shove the sensation away. Joe shakes his head and turns off the light. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere." Joe walks back over and gets into bed with me. I turn over so I'm facing him. "I'm going to make sure no bugs get into your skin."

"Thank you." I smile through my tears.

"But you gotta stop scratching yourself or I'm gonna need to duct tape mittens on you."

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