Knocking Boots

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One Week Later
August 23rd; 2023
Taylor Swift's Point of View
A normal day where Joe and I are working in the studio together. I'm lying upside down on the couch while Joe sits on the floor. We've been trying to come up with something for a while but nothing seems to come to mind. We're come to a creative block so we've just been talking. Hopefully, we'll think of something while talking because right now we have a whole lot of nothing. It's been nice getting to know Joe as a friend. Being enemies was exhausting since we also had to work together. There's something different about him that I've never received from anyone else. Something that makes me feel alive again. When I'm around him, I feel like I can forget about the drugs for a minute.

"You know laying upside down can kill you." Joe looks at my posture and I sigh.

"Jesus, you don't know how to have any fun." I turn my body back around so I'm not upside down.

"With all the stupid shit you do, I'm amazed you haven't died."

"Hey!" I take a piece of crumbled paper next to me and throw it at his forehead. The two of us laugh a bit and I slide down onto the floor next to Joe. "I've been a bitch." I sigh.

"I know but I work with you anyway."

"No, that's when you say you're not a bitch." I remind him.

"But you are. You are an absolute menace to society but I care about you." Honesty. It's something I can appreciate.

"Aw, you care about me."

"Of course, I care about you. You're smart, beautiful, strong, and don't forget sexy." He smiles and takes a pen back out.

"Sexy? I didn't think you thought of me like that." I smirk.

"Hey, I don't want to boost your ego too much. You already got enough of that going on." We tend to go back and forth a lot with banter. He makes fun of my nature. This time though, it hurt. I don't know why.

"Joe, can I be honest with you?"

"Sure?" He answers quite confused.

"People always tell me I'm this self-righteous, narcissistic, egotistical, bitch. I mean, they're right, I am most of those things. It saddens me that I'm those things. But if there's one thing I know, it's that I'm not egotistical." I lay back on the floor and look at him.

"What makes you say that?"

"People tell me I have this mindset that makes me think I'm better than everyone else. How can someone who hates themself think they're better than others?" Joe looks at me with silence, unsure how to respond to my confession. "I look in the mirror every day and hate what I see. Whatever I do every day, it's a mask because I don't want people to know just how much I hate myself."

"You're not a narcissist either."

"Yes, I am. I'm an awful person and you don't need to defend me."

"A narcissist would never admit to being one. You may act like it but deep down, you're not a narcissist." He lies down on the floor next to me and a couple of tears run down my face.

"What do you want from me, Alwyn? Are you trying to manipulate me? No one is nice to me without wanting something from me." I know I should have responded with something kind but instead, I got angry. I felt lied to.

"I don't want anything from you. I don't understand why you're getting so defensive!" He exclaims in frustration as the two of us sit back up.

"Then why are you being kind?"

"Because I'm not an asshole? I don't know! What do you want me to say?" I'm not sure why we're fighting but we are. It seems very petty and stupid to fight over this. The two of us stand up and continue to argue over this.

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