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📍Tomigaoka Junior High School

Y/n's pov

You gather your rough sketches for the last chapter of your manga for the Junior High web manga competition from the desk, taking your headphones off as the bell rings. Since the deadline for entering the competition was only days away, you were spending all your lunchtime in the art room of the school away from your friends. Packing the empty bento box into your bag, you mentally note the next steps - scan it onto your iPad, line art, colour, add shadows, light...except your thoughts were interrupted as the pieces of sketches fly up into the air, almost covering the whole corridor with paper. Crouching down, you pick up one of the papers from the corridor wet from other students cleaning it with a mop during lunchtime, the pencil and ink sketches smudged from the water. A whole week's work gone in a matter of seconds. Feeling the flaming hatred for whoever it was that bumped into you, you look up, scrunching up the ruined art with your hands ready to spit hateful words to the person-  

'Watch where you are going.' the tall guy says just as you open your mouth, swiftly turning away from you to carry on walking to wherever he was going. You hear the other students gathering around, chattering among themselves quietly as if to make out what was going on in the corridor covered in wet paper. Before he can get any further, you feel your fist tighten into the crushed paper, throwing the ball of the ruined sketch at him, hitting him square on the head. 

'Bakamono.' you swear at him quietly, but you assume he heard it as his eyes narrow to a glare matching your own. 

'You! Who are you to call him stupid!' you hear his equally annoying fangirls fuming at you as you feel your fist tremble from rage. 

'How dare you hit him! It's okay Rukawa k-' Another girl with short curly hair shouts at you, whom you end up shoving out of your way before storming out of the corridor. 


For the next three days, you get no sleep.

When you meant you had no sleep, you meant, literally you had no sleep. 

You woke up, went to school, did all your homework, ate dinner, and started rough sketching the entire chapter, did line art, and added colour like a robot that was made only for drawing. Your mum occasionally would peek at your room seeing you over your iPad, the light in your room only going out a few hours before you had to wake up. 

By the third day, you were a zombie with coffee as blood, but you could successfully enter the competition on time, feeling satisfaction as you clicked the submit button. Although you never gave much attention to Rukawa and his fangirls before, you realised that you indeed disliked them after the incident in the corridor to the point that you had to actively restrain yourself from rolling your eyes every time you saw him sleeping in class, drooling on his desk. You wondered why would anybody like this rude, annoying guy who refuses to give any attention to his fans. 

Despite all the drama, you graduate Tomigaoka Junior High School with your name shining on the award and various media for the next up-and-coming manga artist, on your way to Shohoku High School. 

Author's note: where are the artists 🖐️🤞

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