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I let out an annoyed scoff.

He couldn't listen to me beg for him to come back? How did he think I felt?

I never got over his death, ever. The feeling of grief became my new normal. I had to live with the loss of him everyday.

And he just what? Skipped over the hard part?

I wish I could've done that.

That day I lost my brother, my friend. On top of all of that shit, I tried everything to get my mother to come with me to the funeral but she refused. The last thing I remember of her is her screaming at me.

She didn't go to the funeral that day.

When I got back to the house it was empty. The lights were off and I just somehow knew she was gone.

I checked anyway, hopeful that she was still there but deep down I knew she wasn't. The first place I checked was her room and I could see straight away that it was empty. I thought I had no tears left after the funeral but I was proven wrong. I immediately started sobbing when I realised she left because now I had no one.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay in our house for much longer, especially alone.

One day she had two children and the next she had none. Just like that.

I was still here but she forgot about me and left me to deal with everything alone.

I remember thinking Sidney had been ripped away from me but my mother left of her own accord. I now know that it was Sidney's choice to leave too but at least he has a better reason for it.

I thought I had no one but it turns out I was wrong. A few hours after I got home my friends, who had been at the funeral supporting me all day, came by to check on me. They're (including Frinkles) the only thing that got me through.

It just hurts to know that all of this could've been prevented.

The hard truth is, if he hadn't have found out about me living with Blaine, Sidney never would've told me that he wasn't dead.

Even though I'm extremely pissed at him right now, I can't find it in me to hate him. I still love him and I know for a fact he didn't set that fire. He doesn't deserve to be wrongfully accused for it. The Sidney I know wouldn't hurt a fly.


"Hi." I say as Vincent walks into the kitchen.

I hastily toss the flour in the mixing bowl. I'm stress baking again in an attempt to feel more like myself.

"Ooo cookies." He says picking up one of the many plates filled with cookies. "I've had the worst day." He says sitting at the kitchen table and setting the plate down while I continue mixing and baking more batches.

"Oh, yeah?" I say urging him to continue.

"So we were going to raid this warehouse for a mission, it's not a secret mission so you're allowed to know." He states, pausing to take another bite out of one of the cookies. "Nathan was meant to bring the map of this warehouse place because it's in the middle of nowhere and when we got to the part where the map was needed we realised he didn't have it because he thought I was bringing it. Which to be fair, I was originally meant to be bringing it but things switched up and then he was in charge of it."

"So what did you do?" I ask, still tossing ingredients into the mixing bowl.

"Well lucky for us Nathan said he remembered some of the map so we eventually got there after taking the long way but by that time some of the stuff we needed was gone. It was better than nothing, I guess, because without Nathan we wouldn't have gotten there at all."

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