The Jungle and A VERY Old Friend

Start from the beginning

He had just finished working it about a week ago and is probably one of his most helpful suits. Wally looked over at Miss Martian, "How cool is this?" he asked her.

"Very impressive." she replied before her own closed began to change. Her blue boots and skirt became a skin-tight full-body suit, all black and accented with the same red X and edging similar to Martian Manhunter. Her cape remained blue.

Wally was stunned, "Uh, that works too." he let out. Wally turned to Superboy, who kept the black Superman t-shirt, black pants, and boots. "Hey, Supey. Not too late to put on the new Stealth-Tech." Wally suggested.

"No capes. No tights. No offense." Superboy replied as he crossed his arms.

"It totally works for you." M'gann accidentally let out as she leaned her head on her hand. Superboy glanced over at her, causing her to stop leaning on it and stand up straight. "In that you can totally do good work in those clothes." she tried to cover. She noticed Spider-Man behind Superboy, who gave her a reassuring look, trying to make her feel better as he clearly understood what was going on with her. After all, it happened with him too. Superboy turned back around as Miss Martian brought her hood over her head and went invisible.

Kid Flash, herself, Spider-Man, and Robin all landed on the ground with a soft thud. They noticed Superboy didn't land with them and Peter's senses suddenly tingled. He jumped out of the way, along with everyone else, as Superboy landing on the ground, creating a loud boom and crater. "Knew I didn't need a line." he said confidently.

"And yet creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the 'covert'. " Robin scolded as he got up from the base of the tree he landed onto. Kid Flash and Spider-Man walked back towards the group as Miss Martian lowered herself back to the ground, "Aqualad. Drop B is go." she tells Aqualad.

"Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP." Aqualad told them.

"Roger that." Robin replied as they all looked down at his HoloGlove, which displayed a map of the island. Superboy, Spider-Man, and Miss Martian stood at their full height as they looked over his head on his right. Kid Flash was crouched over Robin's left shoulder.

The group took off to the factory, passing through the forest, under a waterfall, and ending up back in the forest. As they were walking, Robin activated his HoloGloves which showed where the mines were around them and the path to follow to not step on one. Suddenly, Superboy heard the snap of a twig. He immediately stopped, "Did you hear that?

Everybody, except for Robin stopped and looked back at Superboy, "Uh, no..." Wally answered. "Wait, is this a super-hearing thing?" he asked.

"You do have great ears." Miss Martian commented lovingly. 

Peter slammed his palm on his face and sighed, "Love birds." he said.

"Okay, Rob, now what?" Kid Flash asked as they turned back around, finding Robin no longer there. "Man, I hate it when he does that." 

"Superboy, Spidey, Kid. Switch to Infrared. See if you're being tracked." Aqualad told them through the comms.

Kid Flash smirked and lowered his goggles onto his eyes. Spider-Man tapped the side of his mask and it switched to infrared. The 2 picked up heat signatures down the trail. It was a group of people holding guns. "Got a squad of armed bozos incoming." Wally informed.

The group ran closer towards the armed men and ducked behind a rock and fallen tree to hide themselves. Superboy looked in the opposite direction of Kid Flash, seeing another group of heat signatures of armed men, "2 squads." he added. "But they'll meet each other before they find us."

Suddenly, they heard the sound of gunfire. "Well they're clearly not on the same side." Spider-Man commented.

"No super-hearing required for that." Wally added.

"Swing wide. Steer clear." Aqualad told them through the comms as Kid Flash stepped closer towards Superboy and Spider-Man.

"Yeah, yeah. As soon as I find Rob." Wally told him, before he vaulted over the tree they were hiding behind and sped down the trail. Unfortunately for him, the trail was wet, causing him to lose his balance and roll down the hill. He landed right in the line of fire, causing the 2 squads to hold their fire and look at the young hero. 

Kid Flash lifted his goggles up and looked up to see... Bane? He was on the side of one of the squads and was also surprised to see Kid Flash there. "So much for the stealthy..." he uttered.

Bane quickly began firing at the hero, who quickly tried to evade. He began to ran in the opposite direction, but quickly caught the attention of the other squad, who began firing at him as well.

Superboy took this moment of Bane's distraction to charge towards him and tackle him to the ground. Once they hit the ground, Bane quickly got himself over the clone and slammed his face into the ground. He put a wrist-lock on Superboy's right arm, but Superboy was much stronger. He grabbed his shirt and threw him into a tree.

Kid Flash was still trying to evade the bullets of 2 of Bane's squad members, until Spider-Man pulled the guns towards him webbed towards one of the goons. He side-kicked him repeatedly, knocking him right through a tree, breaking it in half. A small figure dropped on top of them and knocking one out, "What is wrong with you guys?" he questioned. He sent and uppercut to the other and side-kicked to the goon, knocking him back, "Remember covert? Why didn't you follow my lead? Vanish into the jungle?"

Kid Flash was sending punch after punch at a goon, backing him up into the clearing, "That's what you were doing?" Wally questioned before he sent a front kick to the chin then sending a full flip before landing on the ground, "Unh. Way to fill us in. We're not mind readers, you know."

Behind Kid Flash, Miss Martian threw 2 of the other squad members, who were dressed like cultists, into a tree telekinetically.

"Or I'm not, anyway." Wally corrected as she dropped to the ground.

"You told me I could only read the bad guys' minds." she told him.

Robin noticed one of the cultists were trying to run away and he pulled out a disk to throw at him, but the cultist was stopped by someone else. Aqualad. He dropped down in front of him and placed his hand on the cultist's chest. His tattoos glowed and the cultists was shocked. Aqualad saw the cultist's communicator landed on the ground and crushed it with his foot.

When they thought both squads were done for, they noticed one of Bane's goons making a run for it. Robin was about to throw his disk at the goon, but Spider-Man stopped him, "It's alright. I'll go. I need a good jog." he said before he ran after the goon right into the woods.

Eventually once he made it in the woods, he lost sight of the goon, making him worried. He looked around as he put his hand on the back of his head worryingly, "I... probably shouldn't have let him run..." he said to himself.

He heard a twig snap, causing him to spin in the direction of the noise. He eyed the area suspiciously before hearing a rustling in the trees.

He wasn't alone...

He slowly turned around, eying the area around him and waiting for his senses to kick in at any moment, "Come on, buddy... don't make this difficult for yourself... I promise, if you hand yourself over, we WON'T tie you with the others."

Suddenly, a figure tackled him and sent him right in front of the tree. He was strong...

He pushed Spider-Man's head down and put his hand on Spidey's neck to keep him there. he then put his right hand above Spidey's head. Metal claws began to extend out of the fist...

The claws stopped right in front of Peter's eyes as Peter smiled, "...Hey there, Logan. Long time not see?"

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