September 11th 2023

723 23 1

Audrey X Reader
TW: Ed, Ed signs
Reader gets upset at Audrey

I had just grown in popularity since my last movie released. People were starting to notice me.

It was nice, but it had been bringing up some stress from my past.

I scrolled through my phone, pictures and videos of myself. I clicked on the comments before I could even see the tags.

"I don't know what audrey sees in her"
"How could they even cast her"
"Isn't the character supposed to be skinny?"

The last one dug into me. Deeper than the others. I had truly let myself go since I moved here.

I huffed standing to look in the mirror. I lifted my shirt to grab at my skin.

I was losing weight, for the last few weeks. Enough to get compliments, but clearly it wasn't enough.

I immediately got on the floor, pushing myself up on my hands.

For the next few hours I tried my best to exercise.

I sat down taking a drink from my water, grabbing at myself again.

The sound of the door opening echoed throughout the house causing me to stand.

Slightly dizzy I rushed to the living room wiping the sweat from my face.

Audrey could not know I had been exercising so often.

"Hey Sweetheart" she came out to kiss me. I moved away putting my hand up.

"I haven't brushed my teeth", "I don't care" she scoffed.

I allowed her to hoping she wouldn't the sweat coming off my forehead.

She backed away, "Hm, you're a bit warm darling. Are you feeling okay?".

I nodded, "the AC has been messing up again". She hummed walking past me to the thermostat.

I sighed relieved she bought it. A sudden growl from my abdomen caused me to shift, leaning over to muffle the sound.

Evidently it was too loud because the blonde turned. "Are you hungry? I thought about ordering a pizza?".

My stomach churned at the thought. "Oh no, I ate before you got here".

Her smile fell slightly, "What'd you have?". I paused, she never asked till now.

"Grilled cheese", "We're out of bread".

I bit my lip trying to muster something, anything.

"Don't think I haven't noticed". Anger filled me.

"You don't notice anything", she only glared at me.

I continued, "You haven't seen the shit people say about me?".

I didn't bother to wait for her reaction, "So what if I don't want fucking pizza Audrey, I told you I ate drop it".

She seemed taken aback, immediately softening.

"You've dropped like three sizes in the past month, that can't be healthy". "No I haven't my cloths have stretched out".

She scoffed, "You won't even drink your morning smoothies".

"I SAID DROP IT". I slammed down the water in my hand.

I stood, finding the balance to get to the bathroom. Just trying my hardest to get away from her, so she'd forget about it.

But I knew Audrey, if something was bothering her she'd fix it.

I locked the door, slipping down in front of it. I was exhausted, and my eyes had already begun to close.

Within a short time, ten, twenty, thirty minutes. God I didn't know. A small knock shaking the door disturbed me.

Still slightly asleep, a voice spoke. "Y/n, open the door". I groaned.

"Wake up honey" she coaxed. My mind wasn't thinking as I reached up to flip the lock.

I slumped back against it before it slid open.

Immediately soft hands graced my jaw, "Let's go to bed, come on baby".

She lifted my arms, a worried expression falling across her face.

I sighed standing with her help and walking forward. I climbed into bed, she followed.

"Go back to sleep, we'll talk later", I hummed a yes too tired to care.

When I finally opened my eyes I was alone. I could hear faint whispering outside the bedroom.

Audrey's voice spoke to another, "She needs help".

I sighed, lifting myself to search my surroundings. A way out.

There was nothing, so I just sat waiting for her. She came in, smiling at me softly.

"How are you-" I cut her off. "Who were you talking to?".

Her smile fell, "A doctor". She sat down beside me, "they want you to go in".

I crossed my arms, "I'm not going". "It's not optional", "I'm not sick".

"God Y/n, you're more than sick. They said if you don't comply they are going to do it anyway".

She was about to stand, but I grabbed onto her. I burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, please", she tilted her head.

"Audrey, I didn't mean it, I don't want to go", she stroked my hair trying to console me.

"I can't help you here, you know it", I put my arms around her, crying more like a small child.

"Darling", she whispered. "I'm so proud of you, I need this from you". I tightened my embrace on her.

"Ok" I mumbled.

Word Count: 830

Xoxo 💜💜 SssarahPaulson

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