August 25th 2022

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Wilhemina X Reader
Warnings: ED (restrictions)
Reader falls in old habits that Mina didn't know about.

I took in a shaky breath as I stared at the plate in front of me. My eyes darted toward the kitchen, Mina probably wouldn't be back for a few minutes.

I frantically searched for somewhere to shove the spaghetti. I grabbed the cup beside me pouring the water in a succulent.

I watched the doorway for my girlfriend as I scrapped the mush in the glass. Half the food was gone so I took one small bite.

Finally the redhead walked in, I pushed the noodles around to make it seem I had eaten more.

Her gaze met mine. "You're already finished?", she sat down. I nodded getting my dishes, her hand touched my arm.

"Can I have the water?" Hesitantly I shook my head. "I drank it all, I'll get more".

Quickly to avoid anymore questions I paced off. I was nearly crying when I emptied everything out in the sink.

Thank God Wilhemina didn't know about this.

I sniffled slamming my plate at my behavior. Why was I even doing this again?

Because you gained too much. Because you're eating junk constantly. Because you have been out of control for too long.

"Shut up" I mumbled. A clicking sounded behind me causing me to jump.

"Who are you talking to sweetheart", I turned to see Mina standing a few feet away. "Nobody".

I hadn't meant to come off bitchy, but that was how I sounded. Her brow furrowed in response as guilt consumed me.

She approached my side looming over me. "What's wrong" she was concerned instead of angry.

I sighed trying to fix my tone. "Nothing, I'm sorry I'm just tired" I chewed my lip hoping the lie would go unnoticed.

Her head tilted and she looked at the dishes. "Why is there pasta sauce in the glass?" There was genuine confusion in her voice.

"I dropped it" her eyes rolled. "That's nonsense" she urged me to explain.

"I'm telling the truth Mina" I was getting frustrated with her now. "You are not, stop lying".

"Why can't you just believe me?", the was an evident crack at the end of my sentence. In seconds tears were running down my cheeks.

I was shaking with anger, fear, and whatever else I had in me. Mina reached out to wrap me in her arms.

"You've lost weight" she breathed out. My cries grew stronger realizing she had noticed.

"I've seen the signs" she continued stroking my back. Halfway through a sob I spoke.

"I don't know what happened, I didn't even know I was doing it again till the other day". Her face lifted.

"Again?" I fixed my eyes to the floor in shame. She cupped my jaw to keep my gaze.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sucked air in through my teeth. "It was so long ago, and I was recovered".

She held disappointment in her tone. "Things like that don't go away" before I could respond she shut me up with a kiss.

"Is there something you'd rather eat instead?", she was bribing me with sweets. Normally she'd refuse, not until I ate what she cooked.

"I shouldn't" I subconsciously admitted to her. She smiled softly reaching for spoons, "Not even Ice cream for two?"

I fought with myself on it. Just one bite.

"Ok" I mumbled. "I'll get it, go turn on a movie". I slipped past her trying to distract my mind with the TV.

After a few minutes she came back holding a bowl. Once I looked inside of it my heartbeat picked up. "Isn't that a lot?" I crawled into her lap leaning my head on her shoulder.

Her hand stroked my hair, "it's for the both of us". I nodded watching the movie, every once in awhile she'd put the spoon up to my lips.

Each time I took the bite trying to ignore it. Finally I looked to see half the food was gone and it seemed Mina had not even taken any.

"I don't want anymore" I shoved it away. She stayed quiet while she set it on the side table.

I kept my hands over my stomach feeling it, my eyes watering as I pinched the bit of fat on my side.

I tried to hide the fresh tears pouring down my cheeks. Mina's fingers brushed off some of the wetness. "Baby, what can I do to help?".

I turned shoving my face in her nightgown, sobbing into it. Her arms hugged my body, I began to hear her sniffling above me.

She was crying, knowing that my heart ached for the pain I caused her.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying" I cried. "I know, we'll try again tomorrow" she kissed the top of my head rubbing my back to soothe me asleep.

Word Count: 812

Xoxo 💜💜 SssarahPaulson

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