June 25th 2022

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Ally X Reader
Warnings: Drinking
Reader is forced to spend alone time with her moms friend who she hates.

I opened the door laughing over my shoulder. My mom shouldn't be home for another few hours so I invited my friends in.

Making loud bangs and giggles we made our way to the kitchen. I was the only one that seemed to notice the brunette sitting behind the island.

I froze my grin dropping, "What are you doing here?". There was a gleam behind her brown eyes.

"You're mom wanted me to make sure you got home safe" she averted her gaze to my friends who were bragging about how not sober they were.

Fucking idiots

I looked down as she stood, knowing what was coming I just shut up.

"Excuse me gentlemen" I sighed in embarrassment. She escorted them out without raising her voice. Which she never seemed to do.

It annoyed the shit out of me. The way she could silence a whole crowd without even getting loud.

I finally spoke up trying to escape her, "You know Ms. Richards I'm 18 I can take care of myself". There was a sarcastic tone she hated I made sure to have.

She stayed herself taking a sip of her wine. "Coming home at" she paused gaining a domineering attitude.

Looking at the clock she continued, "1am with a group of drunk boys isn't taking care of yourself".

I shrugged turning to go to my room, "I made it home didn't I?".

I could feel the burning hole she created with her eyes pointed at the back of my head. "Turn around Y/n".

Something inside my head told me to, maybe it was the seriousness in her voice. I spun around on my heels.

"You could of gotten hurt" I rolled my eyes but still shamefully stared at my feet afterward.

Surely I disliked her and enjoyed the night, regardless guilt began to consume me. "I'm sorry" I brought my face up slightly.

The harsh look on her perfect face softened, something I didn't see often. "Well I'm glad you're safe, would you like a glass?".

The statement confused me, was she offering me a drink? This was highly unusual.

"Um, I guess" a nervous chuckle left my lipstick smudged mouth. She smiled pouring me some.

I sat across from her eagerly taking the glass. It didn't take long for me to get drunk, especially after the shots I had before coming home.

The middle aged woman in front of me was only slightly buzzed. I broke into sudden uncontrollable laughter.

"M-ms. Richards, was it your-your plan to get me d-drunk and alone" my vision began to get fuzzy.

She smirked making the arousal between my legs grow. Now that I was intoxicated I could no longer deny how she made me feel.

I squirmed in my seat hearing her address me. "No actually, but it's very entertaining" my heart beat faster at her words.

I tried to speak, jumbled rambling was all that left me. I barely heard what I said before she responded.

"Alright sweetheart, I think you should get to bed" I pouted trying to get more alcohol. "I can't you distracted me".

Of course I hadn't been referring to the wine, but rather the mess I was making in my pants.

She lifted me from the stool holding my weight. I mumbled no trying to fall limp.

She managed to get me in my bedroom pushing me on my mattress. I bit my lip.

"Ally" I stopped her from exiting. "Hm?".

Normally she would get mad I used her first name so I waited. After a moment of silence I whispered.

"Will you lay with me?" I did not know what I was thinking, I just was so lonely.

She nodded scooting in next to me. Quietly she brushed my hair back, "Will you turn over and sleep for me?".

I obliged facing away from her and shutting my eyes. The few seconds I was awake her breathing tickled the back of my neck.

It was comforting to have her arm raise over mine keeping me beside her. I succumbed to sleep wishing the moment would last forever.

Word Count: 706

Xoxo 💜💜 SssarahPaulson

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