August 9th 2023

752 32 0

Wilhemina X Reader
TW: Suicide (suicidal thoughts)
Wilhemina comforts Reader.

I leaned over the edge of the railing taking in a sharp breath.

My mind seemed to fall into autopilot as I watched the water below the bridge. It was peaceful under the night sky.

I wanted that peace.

I lifted my body up to climb over that railing. My legs searched for footing on the other side completely ignoring the Don't stand too close to edge sign.

My feet barely fit on the small ledge while I grasped onto the metal behind me.

I looked down, I had expected myself to be more afraid. But my mind had already made a decision. I took a large breath letting my problems absolve from me.

Finally I let go.

My body stayed in its position, frozen.

I was stopped and pulled backward by a pair of strong arms. My body hugged the railing against my will.

I recognized that possessive, but still gentle touch. I was enchanted by it.

She took my moment of shock as a chance to lift me back onto the pathway.
I was light and easy to bring over the rail.

Once I felt the ground my brain caught up with what was happening and I fought.

I kicked and shouted until most of my energy was exerted. I tried to shove her off, "LET GO".

My breathing was fast, I didn't really care what happened I would try again.

Her grip on my waist was too tight and she slowly sat me down even though I was still thrashing under her. I was almost too exhausted to keep trying to get out of her hold.

I made a final push but was unsuccessful. Knowing I was failing, I started to calm down. Time was fleeting by in small increments that I couldn't trace.

I let out a heavy sigh and accepted my loss. I sunk into her eventually.

I hadn't realized I was sobbing and holding onto her. She shushed me keeping me close to her chest.

She kissed the crown of my head, only pulling me closer. I gripped onto her forearm for comfort.

I let out a whimper, "I had to Mina". "I know" she whispered brushing back my hair.

"I'm sorry", I was defeated now. She spoke again, "I know".

We stayed like that for a few minutes until she moved my head to face her.

"We're gonna go back to my house, ok?", I nodded enjoying her softer side despite the circumstances. We got up and she led me to her car.

I fell asleep in the passenger seat, I hadn't been able to sleep properly for days. I could feel her eyes on me, that made me feel secure.

I was fading in and out of consciousness when she pulled into her driveway. Her arms wrapping around me again to get me out of the car.

She managed to get me to her bed where I plopped down to get under her covers.

Whatever I was thinking would be forgotten about till tomorrow. I, finally, managed to sleep and I'd take advantage of that.

I could hear the sound of her kicking off her shoes and the zipper of her jacket. Within seconds her heat radiated to me and I hugged her tightly.

I breathed in her scent, my mind cleared allowing me to relax.

The morning came quickly, when I opened my eyes I was still wrapped in Wilhemina. Her eyes were closed, I imagined how beautiful the golden brown color of them was.

It all flooded back to me.

Why had I sent that message?

I turned huffing, my brain retracing last night's thoughts.

All you have is Mina, and she doesn't even love you back.

Tears brimmed in my eyes. I didn't know what I'd do but I stood to make my way out.

An arm quickly reached for mine, Mina was easily the most observant person.

I faced her again, but forced my gaze away from hers.

She spoke sweetly, "You're not going anywhere today sweetheart". I nodded.

She lifted herself up to me, her hands resting on my shoulders. I could feel how tightly she wished to hold me.

"You know I love you very much", her words almost fell like a whisper. And I noticed a soft sniffle she tried to hide.

I finally met her eyes, no tears had fallen but they were close.

"I know", I smiled. She didn't smile back, "No you don't".

"You are the most important thing to me, the text you sent, I-".

Her voice cracked, I had never heard her like this. Or seen her cry.

"I don't know what I'd do with myself if you were gone y/n".

Emptiness filled my chest, "I'm sorry".

She shook her head letting go of me to wipe her nose. Guilt consumed me.

"I thought...I thought you'd be better off". She stared back at me, tears dripping down the apple of her cheeks.

She stayed silent before clasping her arms around me and sobbing.

I followed leaning over her to cry for the pain I caused. We stayed like that for a moment.

She eventually raised herself up, her eyes were puffy and her face red.

She gently felt over my jaw, feeling my skin. "Come stay with me".

"Ok", I couldn't even speak before her lip met mine. It was a soft short kiss.

"We'll take care of each other", her mouth lifted at the corners revealing her ever so beautiful smile.

Tenderly she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Where will I sleep?", she chuckled her normal tone returning.

"Right here". She patted the mattress lightly.

Word Count: 945

Xoxo 💜💜💜 SssarahPaulson

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