August 7th 2023

766 32 2

Billie X Reader
Warning: Sexual Harassment
Reader goes to Billie after teacher harasses her.

I didn't know what this teacher thought was crossing the line, but he was starting to make me uncomfortable.

I shifted in my seat.

"I know all about your situation Miss Y/l/n". I scooted further into my desk.

He got closer, leaving less space for me to inch away. I could smell him, and it was sickening.

"I've been there and back y'know", his hand crept onto my thigh. His sweaty palm was practically glued to my skin.

"Daddy Issues", he said. "I get it". I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. "Can I leave please?".

He ignored me leaning in, I could feel his breath on my neck. His other hand gripped on to my wrist.

I could see his eyes virtually undressing me. I pushed his hand away, I found myself immediately get up from the desk and pace as fast as I could to his shut door.

Finding the lock I quickly flipped it and rushed out the door, tears began to flow down my face.

I didn't realize I had been running toward Ms. Howard's classroom.

Out of breath and sobbing I forced her door open.

"Y/n, knock-" she looked up at me. Her eyes softened.

We had a weird relationship, I liked to cause her problems in class but she knew this was different.

"What happened", she immediately got up from her chair to console me.

Between sobs I spoke, "I'm sorry, I didn't-Mr.B". She gripped on to arms gently leading me to her chair to sit.

She kneeled reaching out to touch my face. "Sweetheart, breathe, tell me slowly".

I took a sharp breath finding myself become somewhat calm. I choked out, "He said he wanted to see me after school".

Her brows furrowed. "What else?", I had a feeling she knew what I'd say.

"He was trying to get me to touch him" I sunk into the seat in disgust hoping this awful feeling would go away. I could still smell him.

I felt tears dripping off the tip of my nose, "he had his hand on my thigh and he was so close, I thought he wasn't going to let me leave".

She caressed my arm speaking softly, "It's alright, you're here now".

She smiled taking a notepad from her desk, "Why don't you write down the vocabulary for tomorrow? I'll be right back".

She walked out the room, I could hear her lock the door before the outside. I sat alone for a few minutes before I heard yelling down the hall.

"A student, he's abusing his power as a teacher", "Howard, we don't have enough staff to be firing people left and right".

She got louder, "I will not hesitate in leaving my position under these circumstances, if this is the path you want to choose you better lawyer up".

Suddenly it went quiet. I had known her to be quite aggressive, but not enough to risk her job.

There was quiet murmuring between her and the principal. She finally unlocked the door stomping in to grab her purse.

Keys in hand, she spoke. "Come on, I've got your bag in the hall I'm going to give you a ride home".

I didn't bother to argue with her, I followed her out the door.

She led me toward her car keeping silent.

After a few minutes in the car she let out a heavy sigh. "Are you going to quit?" I asked.

She looked at me for a second in confusion, "I could hear you in the hallway".

Her brows raised, "I don't know". I tried my best to withhold how I was feeling.

She continued, "They're going to talk to you about it tomorrow".

I began to cry, trying to hid it by facing the window. I sniffled causing her to place her hand on mine.

"Sweetheart, it's not your fault". I let out a sob, "I don't want you to lose your job".

She squeezed my hand in reassurance. "I'm not going to let the school push this aside".

"Really, I wouldn't have said anything if you were going to leave". I began to cry more imagining what I'd do if she wasn't in class everyday, whether she glared at me or gave me detention.

The car stopped and she turned to me. "It's not right for him to keep his job, it could happen again".

I nodded as she rubbed over my knuckles. A smile creeping behind her eyes, "So I guess you don't hate me so much afterall?".

She was referring to the day prior when I whispered those words after she handed me an detention slip.

I laughed wiping my cheeks, "No guess not". She raised a brow.

"I have noticed you're doing better with your reading, why don't we grab some ice cream before I drop you home, hm? My treat".

I nodded again awkwardly sliding my fingers out from under hers, "I'd like that".

Word Count: 843

I actually had a teacher say the things at the beginning to me, so I kinda made a story out of it in hopes maybe it'd feel less...creepy?

Xoxo 💜💜💜 SssarahPaulson

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