Chapter 7: Mansion

Start from the beginning

"Jeongin, did you get any information on the men who broke into Y/n's home earlier?" Han was speaking to that young looking guy. Jeongin. So many names...

Jeongin nodded and brought out a tablet that looked high tech and not something from any popular or rich brand. He raised the tablet up, facing the wall and a digital screen showed up, taking me by surprise. Holograms like this actually exist?

Jeongin had pulled up some pictures. "Since the intruders had gotten away and we couldn't see their faces, I wasn't able to identify them. But they had obvious tattoos. They were part of the gang called TMT. He zoomed in on the pictures, showing the tattoos on the necks of the three intruders. It was "TMT" written in big bold letters, gothic print. So... This was another gang? Why am I getting involved with another gang too?

Jeongin turned off the hologram and his tablet, sitting back down. "They've probably found out about the plan. We should take proper precautions and not let Y/n out of our sight."

Deciding to finally speak up, I looked at all of them. "So, I can't go back to work?"

Lee Know gave me a stern look, his eyebrows knitting together. "You're more concerned about going to work right now? Do you have any idea how much danger you're in?" I shrugged and shut my mouth, looking back down at the carpeted floor.

"Lee Know is right, Y/n. You have to be more concerned about what's happening." Han explained in a soft tone. I shook my head and looked at Han.

"How am I supposed to be concerned about any of this if I don't know what's going on? All I know is that I'm getting involved in these stupid gangs for some stupid fucking reason I don't know about. And all of you guys keep saying, 'you'll find out soon enough'. When am I supposed to find out exactly!?" I raised my voice, pissed from how exhausted it was from all of this. This was outrageous. I didn't ask for any of this.

Han looked down and cleared his throat.

"Y/n, I'll explain it all to you when everything is set and ready." Chan said, looking at me with a firm yet soft expression. He stood up and walked over to me, reaching his hand out for me to take. I didn't take his hand. I didn't trust any of them, especially not him. But he didn't give me a choice. He took my hand and pulled me up, leading me out of the living room. "You'll stay in one of the guest rooms for the time being. We can't risk you being hurt or kidnapped by another gang."

We entered a room upstairs and down the long hall to the right. It wasn't too large for me and was kept tidy. It looked simple and clean. It's like they were expecting for me to stay here a while ago.

He sat me down on the bed and handed me a key. "This is just in case you get locked out or anything by accident. I'm sure it's easy to find this room within the mansion, so I hope you won't get lost." He gave me a smile, his dimples showing softly. I curled my fingers around the key in my palm and let out a sigh.

Chan sat down on the bed next to me and let out a sigh as well. I could tell he was in pain whenever he moved but he tried not to show it. "Doll, I want you to trust me completely. And in order for that, I'll try to gain your trust little by little. I'm not going to hurt you, and I don't want you to think you're in great danger. But I also want you to know that the situation we're all in isn't safe for you specifically, and that's why we're here." He took my free hand in his and squeezed it gently. His hand was warm unlike mine. Mine was cold. It felt nice, but I couldn't just give into him.

"It's alright if you're scared and feel uncomfortable with me or the others. We'll help you through it and try to make you understand, especially when we tell you about the plan and why you're so involved. It has something to do with your parents."

My parents? How did he know about my parents? I'm even more confused now, more questions forming in my head. But I know I shouldn't ask so many questions.

"Y/n, you left something back at your place." He held up a katana, it was my katana. "This is yours, right? Your initials are burned onto the tamahagane."
(Tamahagane is Japanese for jewel steel or the purest steel. It's the blade of the katana.)

He chuckled, observing the katana in his hand. The katana was a gift from my dad. He loved Japanese culture, he had a Japanese best friend as well. Uncle was in Tokyo currently, I do talk to him sometimes. He was of Samurai descent and made a lot of different katanas in his shop, hence why I had my own custom one. It had a serpent carved onto the wood of the sheath. I always loved snakes oddly enough growing up, that's why. My parents always called me a little snake because of my childish tricks.
(Joy's Note: Me too, bae. Me too.)

Chan set it aside on the bed behind us. "I locked the sheath onto it though. Only temporarily of course. I'll unlock it when I think it's alright. Don't think of trying to slide into any of us. We're not dumb." He'd say in a jokingly manner, looking at me once again.

I looked away. I was still pretty silent. I didn't know what to say or what to do... And I was literally here sitting in a robe with a nightgown underneath. My hair was messy as well. Isn't this embarrassing?

"Y/n ah." I looked up at him again, his eyes meeting mine. He released my hand and ran his hand through his own hair. "You need clothes, yeah?" I guess he noticed what I was wearing. I nodded my head quietly and he chuckled softly in response. "Just wear that for the rest of the night and I'll have one of the kids get you some clothes in the morning." I nodded and he stood. He reached over and ruffled my hair before heading towards the door.

"Take some rest, doll." He left my room, closing the door behind him.


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