I loved all of them but out of my top three, those were definitely my favorites.

"So which one should we play as a sneak peek for our fans?" Bill asks.

"Hm." I say, knowing which one I'm gonna choose.

After they practiced in the studio and told them which song they should play, we went out to dinner. Of course we had paparazzi up our ass the entire time but they were used to it, I just didn't know they were gonna basically blind me.

"So when's the concert?" I ask, breaking silence.

"It's an about an hour... oh shit we gotta go!" Bill pays the bill and we all run to the van to go to the stage.

All of us were excited, Bill was nervous but he had always gotten anxious for going on stage no matter what. Tom was confident because he knew I'd be watching, Gustav didn't really care because he was usually in the back part of the stage, and Georg was ready to get it over with, he was tired.

We arrived to the stage, and they weren't letting people in but people were absolutely feral when they all came out of the van, it got worse when I also came out of the van. I thought I was gonna get jumped, but luckily I didn't.

"Who is that"

"That must be the girlfriend"

"Or the whore"

"Oh my god Bill I love you!"

The fans screamed just about everything you could think of, people even had signs up asking to be Toms groupie. It was the most amusing thing knowing that I was the only one getting him.

We made it to the stage and none of it was set up, I helped the band set up their equipment and made sure everything was plugged in, the people who controlled the lights and everything on the stage checked to make sure everything worked last minute, then I was sent backstage in a special spot to watch the band play.

Fans came in like a wildfire. Screaming, crying, reaching their hands out for all of them when they haven't even talked yet. It got worse when Bill spoke.

"How's everyone been tonight?" Bill spoke to the crowd.

Then the crowd got absolutely wild, screaming louder than ever.

I didn't know how long the concert would be, but I was too focused on the band playing to even care. Nobody from home had checked up on me so I continued to live life to the fullest with them.


"Alright guys, We all love and appreciate all of you for coming out tonight. But before we wrap this concert up, I would like to sing one song from the new album coming out." Bill spoke once again, making the crowd get absolutely wild.

Then the song started that I chose.

The pain of love

Won't break us up.

We don't need your salvation,

We our own creation

The pain of love lives in our hearts,

It's deeper than the ocean

The pain of love waits in the dark

We take it in slow motion.

And we go on

(Pain of Love - Tokio Hotel)

When the lyrics said, "The pain of love, won't break us up"  Tom circled around the stage playing the guitar to look me directly in the eyes at that part, it was the most intensely intimate moment I have ever experienced with someone's eyes before. If only I could kiss him right now.


They finally ended the concert, signing autographs and giving out hugs and high fives leaving some fans crying out of pure happiness. It made me realize how much of an impact this band had on people. They make people so happy, even me.

They all came backstage and I got into a huge group hug with all of them.

"You guys were amazing! That was the best concert I've been too you guys killed it out there!" I couldn't stop hyping them up.

They all smiled but then it dropped.

"What's wrong?" I ask them.

"The news isn't good Lilly." Bill explains.

I wait for them to explain.

"This is the end of our tour, we have to go home." Bill says again and puts his hand on my shoulder.


Author Note: I think it's obvious but this is based on like 2009-2010 Tom so the Humanoid album was just being released so don't freak out on me.

 Just A Fan | Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now