Headlines (17)

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This is crazy.

The party felt like it would never end.

After a while though, Bill, Tom and I all got off of the table and just went shot after shot like we weren't already shit faced enough. I just know our kidneys were aching for help this night.

"How manyyyy shots are you takin baby" Tom comes over to me with two shot glasses in his hand, slurring his words.

I'm not any better as everyone here is doing that. "Ouuuuu give me one and then you can take one off of my stomach." I say laughing and laying on a table and pulling my shirt to reveal my stomach.

Tom puts the glass on my stomach and keeps his hands on my waist and uses his teeth to pick up the glass and drink the shot. No hands. He immediately moves up to my face after and starts kissing my face and makes out with me. We were in that position with what felt like hours at the most. His hands explored every part of my body making me feel like an unexplored temple. That is until I realized people were watching and recording. I didn't want them to see us get any farther than this so I just got Tom and the band and decided we should go. The only issue was, we were all completely shit faced, we had nobody sober enough to drive. I know this was a horrible idea, but it was about 4 in the morning so I assumed no one would be on the roads, so I did my best and drove us to the house almost blacking out from the amount of consumption of alcohol I had.

"Augh..." Gustav groaned in the back sounding like he was ready to let go of his lunch.

"Please don't throw up." I slurred on my words but still got them out enough for them to hear, my hands as tight as they can be on the steering wheel and swerving. Thank the lord that I hadn't seen any type of police out tonight or I would be gone.

A few swerving and passing outs while driving, I terribly park into the driveway of our hotel. Of course it was surrounded by what was obviously mostly girls and some dudes, tens of paparazzi and the bands body guards containing them back. We walked into the hotel as if we weren't falling and slurring our way in.

We are gonna regret this tomorrow.

The entire band went into my hotel room instead of theirs, I had no problem with this as we were all out of it anyways. We didn't even shut the hotel door, one of the guards coming by did it for us.

Not even two seconds after walking into the hotel, Gustav was in the bathroom barfing his guts into my toilet, I felt bad so I yelled. "Are youuuu okay Gus?" I don't know where the nickname came from but it came out when I said it.

I got no response and instead got barfing noises. Georg was passed out on my floor as soon as we walked in and Bill drunkly putting a pillow under his head and putting a blanket on him. Gosh he was so pure and sweet even when he wasn't in a good state.

Tom sat on the bed and passed out sitting up with a water bottle in his hand, I lightly pushed him back into a pillow and put a blanket on him as well. Bill seemed to be struggling to keep balance so I went up to him and put his arm around me, I sat him on the right side of my bed so him and Tom were laying together. It was so cute. I got a drunk picture of me between Bill and Tom, one with me next to passed out Georg, and one with Gustav passed out on the toilet seat with his throw up in the toilet.

I came out of the bathroom after taking the last picture with Gus and laid at the end of the bed that Tom and Bill were both passed out in. They're such cute siblings.


I was the first and only person to wake up the morning and I thought I was dying. My throat was so dry, I had the worst headache and I couldn't open the curtains without feeling like my eyes were being stabbed.

I popped two Tylenol into my mouth with water and sat on the mini couch in the corner of my hotel room. I continued to sip on water and then made myself a bagel. A while ago I heard that bread soaks up alcohol so I assumed that maybe the bagel would help me feel better, and it did surprisingly. I wanted to help out for getting them all shit faced even though Tom was pouring the shots, I got a pot of coffee ready, and four glasses of water with two Tylenol next to each cup for when they wake up, I left the curtains closed and changed in the middle of the room while they were all sleeping.

I was now wearing sweatpants with one of toms sweatshirts I found on the floor, I wanted to go out for fresh air but I knew it would be bright. I brought out one of Bills sunglasses and exited the hotel waving to the guards, they know me by now.

But me thinking I'd get a quick fresh air with peace and quiet? Wrong. Heavily wrong. Cameras were all in my face and people were shoving microphones in my face while showing me pictures from the party last night, from headlines calling me a whore, twin fucker, groupie, you name it. There was nice ones like 'Tom Kaulitz secret lover?' but regardless if I thought they were nice, his fan girls did not. The girls out there were giving me dirty looks and every once in a while something would be thrown. I never answered any of the questions or even acknowledged the fan girls being rude, I just ran inside. I was lowkey very upset. The fans were hating on me and calling me rude stuff and I don't even know what I am to him.

When I came back into the hotel, the band were coming out of my room finally and looking at me all confused, asking me if I'm okay and sounding like as if they feel bad.

Truth was though is that I wasn't okay. I was hurt. People will say anything and everyone just goes with it.

"Tom can you just tell me what we are already or I'm leaving."



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