Tension (8)

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  There's tension between us, I don't wanna be one of his groupies but I can see why he's such a player. His eyes, his hands, just him in general makes me feel some sort of way.

"What do you want from me?" I ask, his eyes were filled with hunger again. I only see it in his eyes when he looks at me.

"You." He says, as he continues to tower over me and look at me.

He kisses me harshly, I don't pull away until I taste the alcohol from his mouth.

Oh I see.

"Are you fucking kidding me Tom." I say, I'm disappointed because he's doing this because he is drunk. I know that's what happened last time but for some reason I was just upset.

Tom stops all confused and I push him away from me and walk out of the bathroom over to Ella.

I wake her up, accidentally waking Bill up and telling her we should leave.

"What no? I'm not leaving what's your issue" Ella says, she can barely stay awake. So I just leave by myself.

Bill is confused and Tom follows me out into the hallway, can't even walk straight.

"Lils... where are you goin'?" He can't catch up to me and I get into an elevator as the doors slowly shut in his face.

This is ridiculous I want to go home.

Whatever tension I may had thought we had, gone. I should've known it from the start that I was just another groupie to him. I don't know why I didn't see it at first, I was being blind apparently. My phone was blowing up with texts and calls but I didn't answer none of them.


Tom: Lils please answer me I am not drunk

Tom: Lilly

Tom: Ok maybe I am but its not like that come onnnn

6 Missed Calls from: Tom

I leave him on read. I call a taxi back to the hotel, I don't feel like walking anymore.

Ella's POV——

I don't get what her issue was, I was never sleeping to begin with. If she thinks I'm going to leave them just because she thought she had a chance, not my problem. If I was gonna get laid it'll be by both of them, and the one I wanted to begin with.

Tom walked back into the room and just laid in his bed. Bill was still wrapped around me and I genuinely think he likes me. I don't want him though. I want Tom. It boiled my blood to see Tom and Lilly together, that was supposed to be me. She thinks I don't know about her and Toms midnight running into each other, she thinks I'm dumb but I plan to ruin her entire time here. Lilly and I were supposed to be friends until she messed with Tom.

"Hey I'm gonna go get some food for us, and Tom if he wants some. Wanna come with?" Bill asks me, I decline faking a headache and Tom doesn't wanna go because he's upset.

How stupid. I'll make him forget about her.

Bill leaves and this is when I think it's time for my plan to go to action.

I slowly get up and Tom looks at me just to see what I'm doing. I walk over to him and get on his bed, he's too drunk to care. I get super close to him and get on top of him.

"Huh Ella what are you d—" Tom slurs but I cut him off by kissing him. He drunkly kisses back and has his hands on my waist.

Toms POV——

I know this is wrong what am I doing. I'm too drunk to know what I'm doing and before I know it I'm on top of her and it's getting hot.

Something just snaps and I stop.

"Ella what is wrong with you." I say still slurring my words, "You are her best friend and you're literally in love with my brother what are you doing.."

"But I don't want him I want YOU." Ella yells to me, I don't know what to do and she comes over to me again.

"Ella get out." I point to the door.

She doesn't move, "Get out." I say again, more firm this time.

I texted and called Lilly at least a billion times, I fucked up, I didn't understand why she was upset that I was drunk but what just happened now, I really fucked up. I'm just glad I stopped but I need to go find Lilly and I need to talk to Bill I don't want him to get hurt.


Ella finally gets her shit and leaves after trying to kiss me again and again.


Tom: dude pls get home fast and now

Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me.

I call him, he never leaves me on read meaning Ella found him before me.

"Bill." I say into the phone.

"You seriously had to kiss the only girl I liked Tom what the fuck?" Bill harshly said into the phone, and before I could say anything he hung up on me.

I needed to see him and I needed to explain.


Authors Note: You guys are about to hate me.

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