Kill For You (Part Three)🔪

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Third Person POV

"So, I guess the cat's out of the bag," Commander said in a low tone of voice, his eyes narrowed a bit as he stared deep into Tim's eyes. This was the final piece of evidence the soldier needed to fully prove that his commander was indeed the killer of his two best friends.

But it was now what Commander would do to him now, now that Tim knew his little secret...

Commander let out a soft but eerie chuckle as he saw Tim's reaction and expression- which was priceless in Commander's eyes. 

Tim was shocked and stunned, unable to say anything or even make any coherent noise. Why would his commander kill his friends? What was the point in that? A moment or two of silence passed, which was filled with Commander slowly leaning a tad bit closer to the unsuspecting Tim, and Tim trying to process this information and come up with something to say. And then he thought of something to say, even if it was rhetorical question.

"S-So... it was you who killed them..." Tim said, his voice almost a whisper as he spoke, a few tears starting to form in his eyes now, his mind recalling how dear his friends were to him. But Paul and Nolan were now just a memory, all because of Commander. Tim then mustered the courage to speak once more, only having enough to say one words, but that one word would be enough to ask a question.


Commander looked a bit surprised for a split second, before erupting into a maniacal fit of laughter, almost toppling over from laughing too hard. It was a mystery how no one outside heard the creepy laughter.

"Why?" Command repeated the question, a wide and broad grin on his face as he stared into Tim's eyes once more. Then Commander said something Tim would have never expected. 

"It was all for you!" Commander exclaimed, a few giggles being able to be detected in his words, though he wasn't joking. "Those two were taking you away from me, of course I had to do something!" Commander looked like he was insane and lovesick.

Tim's expression was now one of shock and horror, before his eyebrows knitted together in some disgust now. 

"Y-You're sick!"  Tim just said, earning yet another yandere-like laugh from Commander, not seeming to be bothered by the insult. He already had Tim where he wanted him, in his office and backed up into his desk, basically lowering his already low chance of getting away from him. And after that, Commander would have his darling all to himself, with no pesky friends getting in the way. Oh, whoops, scratch that- the latter was already completed.

Seeing as Commander was a bit distracted, perhaps in thought, Tim took this chance to quickly step to the side, away from Commander, and to book it for the door, dashing to it and opening it, before not wasting anytime to rush down the hallways and to try to find someone or a place to hide.

Commander, watching this unfold in front of him, kept his large grin on his face, despite being a little disappointed that his love had attempted to escape from him. Oh, well. He did like a good chase, though.

Tim had been running down a few hallways already, frantically looking around  the strangely empty building, searching quite desperately for a place to keep him safe for the meantime. So far, he hadn't found anything suitable enough to help him get away from his deranged commander. He continued to run down the long and wide hallways, his footsteps being a bit unintentionally loud, his shoes most definitely making a sound when they hit against the floor with every hurried and concerned step.

"Oh, Tim!~" Commander singsonged while swiftly following behind his darling, his voice now matching his crazy, almost lunatic-like smile on his face. Tim heard his name being called, but didn't dare look behind him or respond, as it'd probably slow him down or distract him. He just continue to run, sprinting as fast as he could down the seemingly endless hallways, turning left and right but seemingly only being met with even more vacant hallways. 

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