Kill For You(Part One)🔪

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(This story will include people who are not actually in the series Tankmen, but they're just placeholders/people who will only appear in this story. A small heads up that they are just here to be part of the plot. Thank you for your understanding!)

Tim was just like any other soldier. Sure, maybe a little more enthusiastic and joyful about things, but other than that, he was basically like anyone else in the base. However, it seemed as though a peculiar someone had eyes for him...

Third Person POV

It started off like a normal day, getting out of bed, changing, eating breakfast, brushing his teeth, the usual. Tim was currently walking down one of the base's hallways, smiling and waving at his fellow soldiers. A few waved back, some nodded at him, and some just straight out ignored him. Either way, Tim didn't seem to be planning on losing his smile anytime soon. Of course, it wouldn't kill the other men to wave back, or even just smile back.

Tim eventually reached his commander's office, as he had been daily checking up on the other man ever since he first became a soldier. His feeling and actions were only in a platonic way, and he had only been checking up on his commander because he just cared for the other's well being. He knocked twice on the presumably unlocked door, before he carefully listened for any response. It sounded as though some things were being moved inside the office, maybe a desk being moved? Tim just chose not to pay much mind to it, as he knew it was would probably be rude and considered nosy to ask Commander what was going on inside the private space.

A "Come in!"  Could be heard from inside the room after a few seconds of sounds of movement from inside. Tim gave a small nod and a quiet hum, despite nobody hearing or seeing it. He then opened the door, soon stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. His eyes scanned the room for Commander, only to find the other male right next to the door frame, right next to him, probably a few centimetres away from him. He could feel his commander's considerably warm breath on him.

"... hello, Commander," Tim greeted the other, his smile still on his face, despite the slight confusion in his eyes on why Commander was, well, where he was, standing right next to the doorway. What made it even strange was that Commander's expression seemed to be stifling a smile, which was rather odd, as Commander was usually quite stern and serious, as well as typically grumpy.

"Hello, Tim," Commander greeted back, giving a small nod as his facial expression somewhat returned to normal, his (possibly) held-back smile now it's normal frown. His voice sounded quite the same, however, being straight and serious. Like how it usually sounded. 

A few moments passed, with both men staring at each other, until Tim spoke up once more, recalling why he was here in the first place. "So, how are you doing, sir?" He asked, his smile still displayed on his face as he asked the question. This was a question he asked daily, and he usually got a short reply, or sometimes even a small sound, usually being a huff or grunt. This time however, Commander answered with something Tim hadn't expected.

"I'm doing alright, how are you doing today?"

Tim was a bit shocked, but he was happy. His smile grew a bit more now, and he answered. "I'm doing good, thanks for asking!" He said, choosing to keep it short in case Commander would soon become annoyed (like usual) if he answered with a bit too much. Commander nodded a little, but his expression remained the same. Tim then paused, before checking the clock inside of Commander's office.

"Ah, I just forgot- I have to meet up with Paul and Nolan!" Tim muttered to himself, unaware that Commander had heard him. The taller male just hummed a low hum, before speaking once more.

"Who is Paul and Nolan?" He asked, despite knowing the two soldiers. He just wanted to know their relationship with Tim, who kept his smile and answered, sounding a tad bit rushed but still quite happy.

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