Wintertime ☁️

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(This story is an AU where Commander and Tim are already dating, sorry for any inconveniences! Also, it is confirmed that Commander's real name is Oswald, and it will be mentioned in this book. Because I personally find it a bit strange if you call your boyfriend/girlfriend 'Sir'/'Ma'am' or boss, etc.)

Third Person POV

Today seemed like a completely normal day, however, when Tim had gotten out of bed and looked out the slightly cracked window, the normal bare wasteland-like environment outside was blanketed with a thick layer of fresh, bright snow. This meant there would a snow day, also known as a day off for the soldiers. Tim was so excited, he had immediately rushed to his dear's room, despite still in his sleeping t shirt and shorts. 

"Ozzy!" Tim called out, almost crashing into a wall due to running all the way to his boyfriend's room and being unable to stop on the spot. Commander let out a groggy groan before yawning and opening his eyes to stare at Tim with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"What is it?" Commander asked Tim, sounding a bit tired, having just woken up, and also a tad bit confused on why the shorter male had woke him up so abruptly. Tim had a broad smile on his face, jumping up and down on the balls of his feet in excitement.

"It's snowing!" Tim happily exclaimed, as it did not snow very often where they were, even in the wintertime. Commander looked even more confused than he was before, despite being told the reason. He let out a small and soft sigh before beginning to stretch and get up and off his bed. 

Also still in his sleeping clothes, just wearing a normal t shirt and shorts as well, Commander walked a few steps to look out the window in his room. Both his eyebrows raised in surprise as he saw the pure, white snow outside his window, covering the ground and the surfaces outside. More snowflakes rained gracefully from the sky above. Tim had joined his commander, staring out the window in amazement. 

Commander then turned back to Tim, looking, perhaps even admiring in a way, at his shorter boyfriend before speaking up. He had a small smirk on his face, finding Tim's amazed expression and excited demeanour to be quite adorable.

"I'm assuming you'd like to go outside?" He asked, earning a nod and prominent smile from the other man. Commander let out a little and soft chuckle, before speaking once more, gently leading his boyfriend away from the window. "Alright, alright, but let's get changed first, okay?"

A small frown appeared on Tim's face. "Can't... can't we go out now?" He asked, sounding a bit pleading in a way. It seemed as though he really wanted to go outside, despite the most definitely cold air outside. Commander sighed and shook his head, continuing to lead Tim away from his bedroom window and towards the exit of his own room so that the shorter man could go back to his own room and change.

"No, Tim, it's cold out. You need to at least wear something over your current clothes," Commander said in a low tone of voice, speaking softly in an attempt for Tim to listen. Tim just huffed in slight annoyance, pouting a tad bit as he was gently forced out of Commander's room. 

"I'll meet you outside in ten minutes," Commander told Tim, turning to shut his bedroom door before pausing and looking back for a second as he spoke once more. "Make sure to put on something warm." He then fully turned around and closed the door, presumably to change, leaving Tim to go do so as well.

Ten-ish minutes later...

Around ten minutes had passed, and Commander was dressed accordingly to the weather, having a dark grey sweater on, and underneath a black turtleneck, along with black long pants and black gloves. He wasn't that fazed by the cold, just staring at the white snow and occasionally glancing around him as he waited for Tim.

Commander x Tim [Oneshots]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora