Injury ☁️

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Third Person POV

Tim had been walking around the base for awhile now, seemingly searching for something- or rather searching for someone. That someone happened to be Commander, who seemed to have just disappeared to who-knows-where, and Tim was quite curious on where his commander was, maybe a little bit concerned now, having been looking around for the other male for quite some time now.

"Commander!?" Tim shouted into one of the long, and rather wide, hallways that were filled with other soldiers, ignoring the strange looks from his comrades. The short male sounded rather worried, his usual joyful expression replaced with one of uneasiness. He proceeded to continue to look around the base, his footsteps now more hurried and quick against the ground.

After some more minutes of searching for Commander, Tim stopped in his tracks, his eyebrows now knitted together in a thinking manner, putting a hand to his chin as well, unintentionally further showing that he was indeed thinking.

"I've looked basically everywhere, where could he be?" Tim muttered to himself, his index finger gently tapping his chin as he spoke to himself. He then paused his movements, his gaze soon moving towards the one door he hadn't looked inside. How could he have missed it? It was the Commander's office, also one of the places Tim or any of the other soldiers weren't allowed to go inside without Commander's permission. Tim sighed, the exhaled breath being rather light and quiet, before he began to slowly walk towards the closed, perhaps even locked, door that led inside to the Commander's office.

Once he was close enough to touch and open the door, Tim stood there for a second, appearing to be debating wether or not to open the door. He had opened it once before, and doing so got him a harsh scold and yell from Commander, but Tim understood why- there was barely any privacy in the base anyways, so a room to yourself would be considered a blessing, and if someone were to invade said room, that'd be very annoying.

'Well, fuck it,' Tim thought to himself, before he began to lift his left hand to reach for the door handle. He was actually wondering if the door was locked or not. He kept his hand on the metal handle of the door for a little split second, before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked despite the lights being off. He peeked his head into the small opening of the door, into the darkness of Commander's office, using his right hand to gently knock on the door frame to alert anybody who could possibly be sitting in the dark that he had opened the door and was about to come inside.

Commander's POV

I heard a knock on my office door, along with the door opening. My eyes widened, and I carefully and quietly moved even further into the darkness behind me. My office wasn't the largest, but it was definitely enough space to move around freely. Thankfully, the lights were off, so whoever was standing at my door couldn't see me, but it was whether or not they'd turn on the lights, or if they'd just leave. How could I been so idiotic enough to not lock the door?

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I heard being called out. I held my breath, one of my hands moving to cover my mouth in case any noises were to come out, the other hand still holding my bleeding wound on my stomach. I immediately recognized that soft and sweet voice. Tim. What was he doing here? And why? Couldn't that guy just leave me alone for once? What's his deal?

"... Commander...?" He called out again, and I shrank back even further, to the point my back was against one of the wall of my office. The concrete wall was hard and rather cold, but I couldn't really focus on it at the moment, as I was more focused on not letting Tim see me. Not like this.

Tim's POV 

"Heelloo?" I called out again. My eyes narrowed a bit, and my hands moved from the door and the door frame to cross across my chest. Commander wasn't anywhere else around the base, and he was more than smart enough to know not to head outside the base, especially with the enemy team occasionally lurking around outside. I couldn't see or hear anything in the dark room, but I did find a light switch near the doorway, which I turned on. The lights were bright and did indeed light up the entire room.

Commander x Tim [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now