"Where is Maria?"

"Never met her." Not a lie, technically.

They both look at each other before my 'father' speaks in a softer voice. "What do you mean, tesoro?"


I decide to ignore the nickname he gave me. "We grew up in the orphanage. We were abandoned there when we were a couple of days old. The only thing we were left with were who was born first, our names, and our birth certificates. After that it was in and out of foster homes. Some good, some not. I tried to find her, but I couldn't." I shrug my shoulders like it is no big deal, but it is. Mothers shouldn't abandon their children. Especially since I now know we have seven older brothers, which seems like they grew up with a mother. 

They look at me with pity.

I hate pity.

"Where did you get the scar?" Alessio is talking about the scar that goes through my eyebrow.

I freeze in my place. Memories come flashing back. 

No no no.

I shake out of it. "I am going to go put Rico to bed." I point to the hall on the bottom floor that has two guest rooms. "You can have those guest rooms. Rudy, you should go to bed too." He nods his head as I effortlessly pick up my younger brother and carry him upstairs, leaving Alessio and Alessandro downstairs to do whatever they want. 


We watch in shock as my little sister, my sorellina, effortlessly picks up her younger brother bridal style. Granted, he is a gangly kid, but he has at least four inches on her. She seems to be about 5'9 and Rico is at the very least 6'0. Rudy follows behind them, but not before taking one more wary glance at us. 

(Little sister)

I look over to my father and he nods, understanding that I wanted to talk where the triplets could not hear us. 

We both walk down the hallway that we were pointed towards and open our own doors which lead to some beautiful rooms, no matter how average they might be.

After a couple of minutes, of which I chose the time to look around the room for listening devices or cameras, sue me because of my habits, I hear a knock on my door, to which I open it and see my father, and I invite him in. 

"I think we should call Lorenzo to have this conversation with him on the phone." I state and he nods his head while calling his second oldest son. 




"Hello?" A peppy sounding Enzo answers the phone. 

"Hey Enzo." My dad says. "We just met the triplets and-"

"Oh my god! Tell me all about them!" Lorenzo interrupts before dad could say anything else.

"Enzo, listen." I say because I want to tell him about the fact that we have a little sister. "We had quite the shock when we met them. The oldest, Ryan, is not a boy like we thought. She is a girl." I say and the phone in met with complete silence.  Suddenly, I hear the running of footsteps. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Enzo?"

I hear a door on the other side of the phone open and hear the noise of the gaming room, where the younger boys typically hang out. "Matteo, Xavier, Xander. Listen to Sandro. He and dad are on the phone and have some wonderful news! Sandro tell them!"

"Well we met the triplets and the eldest, Ryan, is a girl, not a boy like we thought." I say with a smile because I can't wait for my brothers reactions. 

I hear a chorus of 'what!?' over the phone and grin to my dad who is already smiling fondly.

"Yeah," I continue talking, "They gave us a run for our money though. All three of the triplets fled San Diego and went to Los Angeles as a type of test I suppose. She left breadcrumbs for us to follow and eventually find them on purpose. She said if we didn't go through the work ourselves then she would have hidden herself and her brothers from us. She is smart, there is definitely something they are hiding." 

"Yo my sister is a genius!" I hear Matteo yell.

"Unlike you." I hear Xander grumble followed by a smacking sound and an 'ow!'. 

"Where are Chris and Marco? We have to tell them too." Dad says while I nod my head in agreement even though I know the other brothers can't see me. 

I hear a chorus of footsteps running and a door opening. "Marco!" I hear Xavier shout. "Marco! We have a little sister and two more little brothers! Ryan is a girl!" I can hear the excitement in his voice. 

In the background, I hear a 'wait really?' and then a whole lot of 'yes'.

"Where is Chris? We need to tell him too." Dad says, yet again.

From the other side of the phone I hear Enzo say, "uhhhh. Oh! He said he had to perform immediate heart surgery I believe. So, he will be here in another couple hours, I think. I can tell him then."

With my brothers still on the phone, I look towards dad. "Did you notice they all have accents?" I see my dad nodding.

Suddenly, and overly enthusiastic Xavier is heard on the phone. "What accents do they have?"

"I honestly couldn't tell. It seems like they move around a bunch. All their accents are little bit different though." I speak as I recall our conversation. "Ryan seemed to have a decently heavy French accent. But it was soft, as if she grew up there and moved away for a couple of years. Rudy seems to have a heavier German accent. We didn't hear Rico speak. He is the baby of their little family, so they did all the speaking for him. He even fell asleep in Ryan's lap." I shake my head even though I know most people I am talking to can't see it. "It is weird how they both have different accents though."

I let my thoughts trail of and then for the rest of the night, we continued to talk about the triplets informing them about their mannerisms and how they interacted with one another. Lorenzo was less than pleased to hear about how often they seemed to cuss, but he said he would work on it with them. 

It was then time for them to go to sleep, since it was like 2 a.m. in New York, so we hung up the phone and we all went to sleep. 

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