Chapter 6: Break In

Start from the beginning

"Lee Know! Yeah, I got a few packs now." Han stood up and turned towards me, putting two packs of ramen in my basket, leaving me confused with furrowed eyebrows as I look down at the ramen in my shopping basket. "I'll pay for you." He offered with a cheeky grin. I nodded my head no quickly but he took my hand and dragged me with him towards... Lee Know? And Chan. Freaking Chan.

"Who's this girl?" Lee Know asked, keeping his eyes on Han. Chan's gaze was on me, nonchalant as ever. "Isn't it Y/n?" Han asked, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head. His eyes shifted between Chan and Lee Know, waiting for an answer.

My eyes widened. "How do you know my name!?" The three men looked at me with serious faces. "You think only Chan would know of you? We're gang members. There's no personal life between us." Lee Know explained. He seemed a bit rude, I didn't like him. But he seems less cocky and more honest than Chan, that's for sure.
(Joy's note: Surely no one is more honest that Chan though?)

Han laughed amusedly and just pulled me past the others. "Just ignore them. You'll find out about everything soon enough."

Again with the "you'll find out soon enough" shit.

I sighed and let him drag me around through the store. I got what I needed while they also got what they needed. Unlike the other two, he was pretty kind and joyful. I liked him. He seemed more friendly and open. He was a bit of a flirt too, what I expected from a man with his looks.

"You don't have to pay for me!" I protested as we made our way to the counter. Han shook his head, he was determined. "I am going to pay, Y/n! You're not changing my mind." I sighed and gave up after a while of going back and forth with him, letting him pay. Chan was staring at me the entire damn time. He was behind me throughout the grocery shopping, but I could tell. Christ, that man could make you feel uncomfortable just with his presence.

After paying for everything, we all exited the store. "Thank you for paying." I said, smiling kindly at Han. It was not a very true smile, rather just polite because I don't trust him, neither the other two. He nodded and gave me a hug which caught me a little off guard. Why was he being so nice...?

Chan came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as Han pulled away from me. "Y/n, I hope you had a nice time shopping with us." Chan squeezed me lightly, making me a bit stiff from how awkward this all was. I could tell Chan was looking at Han with a certain dominant look, which was way more weird.

Chan let go of me and Lee Know shot me a knowing look. I was confused because I didn't know what he knew, or what any of them knew... "Goodbye Y/n!" Han waved at me before pulling Lee Know along with him down the street. I waved back gently.

"Goodnight, doll." Chan waved at me without even looking at me, following the other two. I was left dumbfounded once again.

I sighed and looked up at the sky, time was far from the sun setting yet. Thoughts had already started to circle my head, even while I stood there in front of the grocery store.

What in the world is going on?

- ,,


I was in bed, starting to fall asleep in my dark room when suddenly... I heard glass being broken. "What the hell." I quickly sat up, my eyes trying to adjust in the darkness.

A thud in the kitchen.

Gosh darn it, someone's in my apartment. Or hopefully it was a large raccoon rather than a person. I quickly got out of bed once I was able to focus on the dark. I grabbed my katana from the corner of my room that I had bought last year but rarely used.

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