Chapter 5: Mighty Pups Reborn

Start from the beginning

Chase then drove to City Hall where he saw Skye land her helicopter and go to grab Chickaletta.

Skye: "I'm getting you out of here Chickaletta."

Chickaletta jumped into Skye's helmet.

Skye: "All right le-"


Skye: "Huh?"

Skye looked and immediately froze as she saw the meteor heading right for her.

Skye: "Oh..."

Chase: "Skye!"

Chase swooped in and grabbed Skye by her collar and dragged her out of the meteor's path, barely avoiding it.

Chase and Skye: *breathing heavily*

Chase: "Are you okay Skye?"

Skye: "Yeah, thanks to you Chasey."

Skye nuzzled Chase on the nose to which he blushed a little.

The rest of the team came running up to them worried.

Everest: "Skye! Thank goodness your okay!"

Skye: "I'm glad too Everest."

Ryder: "You two alright?"

Chase: "Yes Ryder, we're okay."

Dina: "Hey guys, look at this meteor."

Dina pointed at the meteor and everyone walked towards it.

Ryder: "Wow, that's some meteor."

Zuma: "Totally dude."

Rocky: "What should we do with it Ryder?"

Ryder: "Let's get it back to the lookout, I want to do some research on it."

Everyone: "Okay!"

Time skip cause I don't know how they brought it back nor do I want to think of how they can. It's a big meteor.

The group was back at the lookout. They had the meteor in the garage on a machine. Ryder was running tests on it while everyone else just watched.

Dina: "You think he'll find anything special about the meteor?"

Rocky: "Maybe, it would be really cool if he does."

Marshall: "What if it gives us superpowers like the last meteor?"

Chase: *chuckle* "I don't think so Marsh, but maybe."

The group kept talking amongst themselves.

Ryder: "Okay everyone, I'm finished!"

Everyone got up and walked closer.

Rubble: "So what did you find out?"

Ryder: "It's not your normal space rock I'll give you that. It has some kind of strange energy coming off of it. I don't know what it is though."

Liberty: "I don't do strange space rocks, let's not touch it."

Magenta: "Agreed."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Dina: "Wow, it's 10 p.m. already!"

Ryder: "Really? I guess we should all head to bed then."

Rowdy: "I guess we should be going then huh Mika."

Mika: "Yeah."

Rowdy and Mika turned to leave, but then Ryder spoke up.

Ryder: "You know, you can spend the night here if you'd like."

Paw Patrol AU: Mighty Meteor Madness Where stories live. Discover now