then dive inside the mindset of a killer

Start from the beginning

"Woah, woah, I'm not insulting you! I'm just stating the truth! You're pretending to be a cat!"

"I AM NOT WEIRD! YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE!" She yells as she gets closer to Asa's face.

"JEEZ! CALM DOWN!" Asa yells back as she moves her head away. "Ugh. You're such a pain to deal with. Now I have to get comfortable again." Yoru mumbles as she starts her comfort process again. "Okay.. if you're gonna.. um.. do that stuff, please, and I MEAN this, PLEASE do not try and clean yourself like a cat." Yoru stays silent. Her eyes are closed. "Yoru?" Asa blinks and she's laying down, curled up in a ball. She sits up and scoots away from Yoru. She opens the window a bit and looks at the moon, feeling the breeze of the wind blow into her face.

She said she wasn't gonna sleep.. jeez..

Asa pokes her head out of the window, sighing. Her lip quivers subtly and she quickly backs up and shuts the window. She scoots up to her pillow and lays down, getting under the blanket. She stares at the ceiling for a few moments before looking at Yoru sleeping. She hesitates before sitting up and grabbing her pillow. She scoots down and lays next to Yoru, getting comfortable and looking at the clock. It's relatively late, and she only had a couple hours to sleep. Realizing this, she groans and closes her eyes, attempting to sleep.

After around 10 minutes, she sits up and rubs her face, sighing rather loud. She gets off the bed and goes to get a glass of water. As she's drinking it, her eyes widen and she chokes a bit once she remembers what those girls said.

Oh.. oh no.. they're gonna tell our teacher.. crap..

She feels a bit panicked and chugs the rest of the water, placing it in the sink. She speed walks back into her bedroom. "Yoru! Hey, wake up!" She yells. Yoru doesn't wake.



She gets in Yoru's ear, taking a deep breath.


Yoru jerks to the side and falls off the bed, poking her head up at Asa. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

Asa bends down. "I.. I think we need to do something about them."

"Oh?" Yoru quickly has an attitude change.

"I-I mean, you and Y/N probably shook them up a bit.. but.. I'm freaking out about it."

Yoru grins and stands up. "We shall kill them!"


Her smile immediately drops. "Then what was the point of you waking me from my slumber if it weren't to plan their death?"

"If we were gonna kill them, we'd need to know where they live.. and it's way past midnight. You're supposedly smart, right? Can't you think of something aside from killing them?"

"You saying supposedly means you question my intelligence. Death would be the go-to in this situation. You know this."

"But.. it's wrong."

"There is no right or wrong. This world is kill or be killed. In our case, either they die or my goal won't be fulfilled. More people aside from them will die if we are taken captive by police."


Yoru moves closer to her, staring deep into her eyes.

"Pick your poison, Asa. It's a choice between evil or great evil. The choice is obvious."


"You're bluffing, aren't you?"

"..Excuse me?"

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now