Start from the beginning

"What do you want?" Isaac asked, hurrying to the dorm door.

"I told you earlier, I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Talk to me or kill me, Stilinski?" Isaac asked, pulling the dorm door open.

"Aw, it's cute that you know it's me, buddy." Stiles stopped using the Ghostface voice modulator. "Good to see you."

"To see me?" Isaac stepped out into the hallway before putting his microphone on mute. "Scott!"

"Yeah, to see you." Stiles laughed. "Like how I can see you right now."

Isaac started running down the stairs.

"Scott! Dude, where are you? Scott!" Isaac yelled as he ran.

"Why're you so quiet, Isaac? I'm trying to have a conversation with you."

Isaac unmuted the call and brought his phone back up to his face. "Well, what do you wanna talk about, Stiles?"

"How about... hmm, let's see..." Stiles acted as if he was thinking. "Why don't we talk about your little crush on my girlfriend, huh?"

Isaac laughed. "Jesus Christ, Stiles, you're so fucking delusional. She's not your girlfriend anymore. Not since you tried to kill her."

"Wow, then she must still be my girlfriend, because I never tried to kill her." Stiles forced a sigh. "That was all Theo."

"'That was all Theo.'" Isaac mocked. "You were the one behind it all."

"That's just because I'm a genius." Isaac could hear the smirk in his voice. "I mean, none of you even had a clue it was me."

"I did."

"Bullshit. You only say that now because you're annoyed." Stiles laughed again. "And you're jealous."

Isaac was almost at the bottom floor. "Why would I be jealous of you, Stiles?"

"Because you're fucking in love with Y/N!" Stiles yelled into the phone. "God, you're so in love with her."

"I'm not in love with her, asshole."

"Really? I saw you kiss her the other night, Isaac. Don't try lying to me. And you offering her your jacket? Jeez."

"Fuck off."

"Ooh, wow." Stiles chuckled before it dropped, his tone becoming darker. "I thought I told you that you can't take her from me?"

Isaac was silent. He stood at the door to the dorm building.

"She's mine."

"She's not 'yours,' Stiles. You can't fucking own her." Isaac scoffed. "Just leave Y/N alone."

"Hey, I'm not doing anything to her."

"No? So is that your new buddy then? Theo 2.0?" Isaac scoffed. "Is that how you got our new numbers? From your new partner?"

"You really are smart, Isaac." Stiles' voice seemed to be louder and Isaac furrowed his eyebrows. "Not smart enough, though."

The phone hung up and Isaac spun around to see none other than Stiles Stilinski standing in front of him spinning a knife in his hand.

But Isaac was right in front of the door, so he could run, right?

Not after Stiles grabbed Isaac by the arm and stabbed his chest.

"Fuck!" Isaac yelled out, blood splattering over Stiles' unmasked face. "You asshole!"

Stiles rolled his eyes. "A little repetitive, aren't you?"

"Help!" Isaac screamed out as Stiles pushed him against the wall and covered his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up, Lahey." Stiles dug the blade deep into Isaac's stomach, most likely reopening old wounds. "I'm trying to teach you a lesson."

"Why?" Isaac groaned out and Stiles twisted the blade.

"Why? WHY?" Stiles pulled the knife out and forced it into Isaac's side. "Because you're trying to steal my girlfriend again. I told you she's mine."

Isaac tried hitting and kicking Stiles, but the dark-haired boy didn't even flinch.

"You can't take her, Lahey." Stiles chuckled, Isaac's blood starting to coat his face. "No one else should be allowed to kiss her. No one else can touch her."

"I'm going to kill you, Stiles." Isaac groaned out, spitting blood onto Stiles' face.

"No, I think you're a little mixed up there, Isaac." Stiles laughed. "I'm going to kill you."

Stiles brought the blade out of Isaac's side and deep into his chest. Over and over again.

"Does this feel familiar, Isaac? It does to me." Stiles whispered as Isaac slowly dropped down the wall. "I hope they make a sequel to my movie. It sucks you won't be able to see it."

Isaac lifted his hand, trying to hit Stiles still, but it was no use.

Stiles stabbed Isaac repeatedly until his hand dropped and his eyes glassed over.

Stiles stood up, walked across the lobby, dropped the knife into his backpack and walked away, ignoring the fact he had blood coating his face and clothes.

When Scott came back with the food around 20 minutes later, he was met with police tape and a crime scene.

He could just see the body slumped against the blood-coated wall through the glass door.

He dropped his food and started crying in the middle of the large crowd of people around.

Isaac was dead.

Scott didn't get much sleep that night.



YOU DESERVE AN OSCAR; teen wolf scream au (BOOK TWO)Where stories live. Discover now