Chapter Two

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"—DO YOU THINK SHE will wake if we take off that animal mask?"

"...Maybe.. you should try it Eda!"

"I don't know if that's a good idea.."

"It's not like she will kill you."

"I know."

A snort resounded.

Himari opened her eyes as a hand reached out for her mask. She gently grasped the wrist and two shrieks were heard as the wrist was yanked out of her gentle grip. She felt the two presences jumping back as she sat up.

"..Morning." Eda smiled sheepishly.

"....Good morning." Himari replied, getting out from under the covers. She quickly made the bed before turning to Eda and King. "Sleep well?" She asked. Eda nodded, stretching.

"I'll make breakfast.." Himari said, and in a flash she was in her anbu gear, her pyjamas already folded on the bed. Eda didn't even see her move. "Uh, what the fu— heck?" Eda caught herself, seeing King was still here.

"That's so cool! My new minion is so fast!" King said, running after Himari. Eda dragged a hand down her face before following.

Himari was in the kitchen, Eda' pink apron on her as she started cook. Eda raised her eyebrow, amused by the sight. "What are you making?" Eda asked.

"Pancakes." Himari said, making Eda and King tilt their head in sync, confused. "Human food." She elaborated, seeing their confused looks. Eda looked unsure.

So Himari served her the first plate of pancakes and suddenly, a bottle of maple syrup was in her hand, placing it on the table in front of Eda.

"Try it." She said and Eda grabbed the maple syrup. Poking it, confused before opening it and pouring it on the pancakes.

Himari snatched it back as Eda nearly emptied half the bottle. Eda grabbed her fork and lifted the pancake, taking a bite. She widened her eyes. "Well hot Damn! This human food is actually good." Eda said, taking another bite.

King grabbed a pancake from Eda's plate, without a fork and it covered in syrup, he took a bite and his eyes sparkled, taking more bites. Himari smiled under her mask before continuing.

"You are the new chef to me, The King of Demons!" King declared, pointing at Himari with his maple syrup coated claws. Himari smiled and bowed her head. "Of course, your majesty." She played along, making King laugh happily. Eda rolled her eyes, amused before asking for seconds.

Himari spent the morning making breakfast and washing up.

Himari was declared their new chef that morning.

. . .

"Alright, human, I order you to take me to the supermarket!" King said, pointing at her. "Why?" Himari asked, crouching down in front of King, tilting her head.

"...Eda told us too." King sulked, making Himari chuckle and grabbing the shopping list from his hands and the bag of snails. "Alright, your majesty. May I have the honour of being your noble steed and guarding you in this noble quest to shop at the enemy territory?" Himari said in a deep voice.

King's eyes lit up. "Yes you shall! Let's conquer the art of shopping and rule over the market!" King laughed manically, clambering up to her shoulders and sitting on them, pointing over her masked head.

"Onwards! He shouted and Himari chuckled, opening the front door before leaving. Eda chuckled from the doorway, shaking her head. "His ego is going to grow bigger than the titan at this rate." She murmured, flopping on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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