Chapter One

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APPEARING AT THE OUTSKIRTS of the forest, Himari looked at Eda, and placed the woman down on her feet. "You sure know how to make a flashy exit. I like your style." Eda grinned at her.

Himari finally got a chance to get a good look at her. She had pale, nearly paper white skin with golden eyes. She had pointy ears, like an elf and a golden tooth which sticks out. She wore a red, sleeveless dress with a yellow gem on the bridge of the chest, her gray, long hair was spiky and looked soft. The red lipstick just adds to everything.

"So, where did you come from? You couldn't have come through my portal.. unless.." Eda trailed off, narrowing her eyes. Himari reached through her high collar shirt to show her makeshift key necklace.

Eda widened her eyes. "You're from.. that world. You're one of them crazy ninjas!" Eda realised, pointing at her. "I'm guessing this is yours..?" Himari trailed off.

"Your kind tried to kill me for no reason. I didn't even do anything! Don't tell me you're going to try that too?" Eda growled.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it already. I found the key during a mission and ended up here." Himari explained.



"What now?" Eda asked, crossing her arms.

"I need information about this place. I need to know how to survive."

"..Let's go somewhere more private. I don't want any more of the Emperor's Coven Members chasing after me." Eda said, gesturing for Himari to follow.

Himari followed after Eda as she navigated through the forest like a pro before they made it onto a dirt path. They walk down the path in silence. Eda looked uncomfortable, glancing back at Himari's mask every now and then.

"...Does my mask make you uncomfortable?" Himari asked. Eda jumped slightly at the sudden talk. "..I just want to know the face of my supposed 'saviour'." Eda rolled her eyes, making quotation gesture's with her fingers.

"...ANBU don't show their face." Himari replied, making Eda groan, thought she looked more comfortable now that they are talking. "Yeah yeah, you're mysterious emo ways or whatever." Eda waved her off. Himari tilted her head.

Ha! She called you emo! I like this woman!

..I'm not emo. Himari frowned.

Her thoughts were cut off by them arriving at a clearing, with a house.

They walk up to the door, where an owl face resided. It looked real. Himari leaned close to the face on the door, tilting her head.

"HELLO!" The owl suddenly screamed in her face. She flinched, taking a step back as Eda laughed behind her.

"Let us in Hooty." Eda said. Hooty opened his mouth really wide, letting them through the door. They stepped through and he closed his mouth, letting out a burp.

"Welcome to.." Eda snaps her fingers. "The Owl House." She smirked in pride. All the lights and candles turned on, all the brooms etc were moving by themselves, it was like..

"Magic.." Himari muttered. "Yep!" Eda grinned.

"This is where I hide away from the pressures of modern life." Eda put her hands on her hips, looking around. "and also ex boyfriends.. and ex girlfriends... and my sister—" Himari cut her off. "I understand." She smiled under her anbu mask.

"You have a beautiful home. Do you live here alone?" Himari asked, tilting her head to look at Eda. Suddenly, the roof trembled above them, thunderous footsteps was heard.

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