"We should call it a night!

Those words get people moving. Softly bringing each other out to meet the light breeze and starry sky.  

"They really listen to her and respect her huh? Even the people that came with me have not hesitated once accepting her words. I guess it's her charm and self confidence that she carries around like it's the most natural thing in the world, all this and she still somehow manages to not come across as arrogant. She's something else... Something special!

I stare at the dark skinned beauty at my side until she turns towards me prompting a tired smile out of me.

"How are you getting back?" I instinctively point outside towards my car as I answer. 

"I'm driving back!" I feel warm spread through me as her dark orbs go over my features for a few seconds after I have given my answer. Her attention shifts to the tired but happy faces of our friends. 

"I think a coffee is in order for the ones driving! Raise of hands please!"  Only takes a moment for a few hands to go up. "I'll be right back!

"It still surprises me how caring she is! Always putting her people first, doing her best to make sure their safe as they can be... But who takes care of her?

"I'll help!" I impulsively rush out as I stumble out of my chair. Having to use Iris as an anchor so I won't fall flat on my face. A delighted sigh escapes her and I can't help but blush at how it immediately manages to send my heart into a racing mess. 

"Okay come on but try not to fall this time. Wouldn't want you to ruin your pretty face!" My brain short circuits as my whole body responds to her words. My face grows red all the way to my ears. 

"How can she say something like that in such a non-challant way?" I try to play it cool by trying to push her away playfully as I say.

"Oh stop it!" There's barely any reaction to my push. "Why is she so solid? I actually put some force behind it too! Fuck I can't even be upset at that..." My thoughts threaten to derail completely but we reach our destination. I take a minute to get myself together as Iris orders the coffees. 

"Thank you for asking us to join your group! I had fun." I can't help but smile at the woman in front of me. 

"I had fun too!" I blurt out. My eyes move on their own accord glimpsing down at her lips causing images of our kiss to take over my thoughts. There's no way she can't see the red tint adorning my face so I turn away from her as fast as I can hoping against hope that she didn't catch it. I don't have time to overthink it tho cause the coffees are delivered to us. 

"Here you go! Have a good night!" We politely answer back as we carry the drinks back to where our friends are waiting. 

They make their way out lovingly making conversation as they walk into the night. We get separated each side  being intercepted by our friends. 

"Hey bestie! Did you have fun?" Rob asks with a smirk that is mirrored in his boyfriend's face. I resist the urge to hit his arm but I can't help the smile blooming on my face as I think back into the night we had. "We lost her again!" He dramatically announces to Lu. I hear footsteps approaching before I can answer. 

Lewis turns around and puts himself between us and the person making their over. 

"Saying goodbye to our girl?" I stand on my tip toes to look over his shoulder. All I catch from the interaction is an eyebrow raise from the woman I'm falling for. This seems to do the trick because my best friend takes a step back with his hand raised. Not being allowed to look at her I selfishly drink her in. 

Knocked out of course (Girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now