Seventeen | Yours

Start from the beginning

Marcelo raised his brow at him while I frowned. "What?"

He grinned widely. "You are in love."

I choked on a piece of rice, coughing hysterically and Marcelo held up a glass of water to my mouth.

It took me a minute to calm down but Cyrus was still grinning.

Marcelo looked at me expectantly as if waiting for me to agree to what Cyrus said.

"Maybe I should give this good news to Uncle and Dad. They will be really happy." Cyrus spoke.

I shot him a glare. "Shut up. I am not in love with him. I am just angry, that's it."

They both looked like they didn't believe me. Cryus was enjoying this the most. "Mhmm, okay. We will see."

"There's nothing to see. Now, don't bring this up again."



"You are not going to stay? What about the event tomorrow evening?" My ex-assistant asked.

I was surprised to see Mr Gabriel here and since she is his assistant now, she was here too which was quite annoying.

I have been politely declining her every attempt to initiate a conversation with me for the past week but she doesn't take any hints.

I walked inside the elevator and annoyingly she followed me inside.

"I have to go back home," I told her dryly.

"But the event is important."

I refused to even look at her and kept staring at the door as the elevator descended. "You don't get to tell me what's important for me or not. You are no longer my assistant."

She scoffed. "You are leaving this event just to go back home to that girl--"

My head snapped to her, I was on the verge of exploding. "She is not just any girl. She is my wife."

She stared at me in astonishment. I have never shouted at her until now. "Next time, be careful what you say about her. Or better yet, don't speak about her at all."

The elevator stopped at the ground floor and before leaving, I spoke over my shoulder. "If I hear you say anything about her ever again, I won't let you go with a simple warning." My threat was clear.

My assistant, Edgar waited for me in the car and still fuming with anger, I sat inside the passenger's seat and he drove away to the airport.

One week away from her was hell. I had a reason for not calling or texting her because the moment I would have heard her voice, I would have left everything and run back home.

I couldn't afford that. I was already distracted by her. She was on my mind 24/7 but I somehow managed to focus on the task at hand.

I know she must be angry, she has every right to be but I have missed her so damn much that I will gladly take her anger.

I just want to see her before I go insane.


Chiara was back home. Cyrus told me that after much persuasion.

He was quite angry at me for leaving Chiara like that. Even I was angry at myself but I couldn't do anything.

I explained to him that I won't do anything like this again and that I will apologize to her, only then did he tell me her location.

She thinks that if she comes back here then I will think that she never left.

As I entered inside, I started to mentally prepare myself for what I will be saying.

She was probably upstairs and I sat down on the couch and started to remove my shoes and removing my suit jacket, I draped it over the couch.

Unbuttoning my sleeves, I rolled them up to my elbows and leaned back, sighing heavily.

A moment later when I heard her footsteps, I glanced towards the staircase to find her standing at the bottom of it.

Her eyes narrowed at me, fists clenched at her sides and she looked on the verge of combusting.

She took long strides towards me until she was standing in front of me.

I started to get up but she placed her palm on my chest and pushed me down on the couch.

Perplexed, I stared at her and her lower lip started to wobble.

Fuck, if she starts crying, I will lose it.

But she did something completely unexpected. Climbing over my lap, she straddled me, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face in my shoulder.

It took me a moment to react and I wrapped my hands around her tightly. "Chiara?"

"I hate you", she sobbed.

"I am sorry, Chiara. I shouldn't have done that." I cradled her head in my palm. "You can punish me for it however you please."

She only hugged me tighter. "I thought...I left me."


"I would never do that. Why would I leave you?"

She remained silent and I felt her tears seeping into my shirt which broke my heart.

I pressed a lingering kiss to the side of her head. "I am so sorry, my little hellion. Please don't cry."

"I thought that found... someone better, that you don't need me anymore."

"I already told you that you don't have to worry about that." Cupping the back of her neck, I lifted her head.

Tears streaked her cheeks and she kept her eyes lowered. I rested my forehead against hers. "I am only yours. I always have been."

She sniffled and leaned back, anger once again forming in her eyes. "Then why didn't you call me or even text me?"

Cradling her face in my palms, I wiped away her tears. "I am sorry. I..."

"I want an explanation, Ezekiel. You owe me that much at least."

"Yes. I..." I bit my lip, contemplating how to tell her exactly.

I pulled her back against me, holding her firmly, her head on my shoulder while I stroked her hair. "I didn't want to miss you." My cheeks heated up at my confession.

"Oh..." Her lack of response made me blush even further.

"So, did ignoring me helped?" She asked.

My fingers dug into her waist. "No."

She pulled back to look at me, a shy smile playing on her lips and I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one blushing. "I missed you too, Eeel. But I am still angry at you."

She missed me too. My heart flipped inside my chest and mirroring her smile, I hugged her again. "I'll make it up to you, my heart."

Destined For You (The Ludovica Siblings #3)Where stories live. Discover now