Volume 9 Chapter 2: Shopping Date?

Start from the beginning

A few hours later:
Rose woke up with her head resting on Vladimir's lap. He was stroking her head and hair gently as he watched the pirates work on the docks and harbor. The scent of salt and iron filled their nostrils. The feeling of the sun on their skin warmed their souls. She yawned heavily as she shifted her head to be able to look up at him. He looked down to see she was finally awake. "Vlad, you are so cool." He continued to stroke her head."What makes you say that?" She laid there smiling happily at his small grin of confidence. "You just want me to list things off and compliment you. You know full well that you are awesome." He chuckled deeply. "I have no idea what you are talking about, Rose." She pouted and he booped her in the nose grinning deviously at her cute expression. She sighed softly in defeat. "I lost the bet which means that I'm at your mercy with teasing and whenever we go to sleep tonight." He smirked smugly,"I can't believe you are giving up so easily. What happened to my darling minx?" She sat up and turned around to face him. "Just take the win and stop making me more embarrassed." He poked her nose. "Nope, not going to happen. I love the way you pout and complain." She whined in annoyance and he just laughed amused. "I'd love to sit here all day and watch you suffer from embarrassment but don't you have a friend to introduce me to? And don't we have a date to get back to?" He got up from the ground and held out his hand for her to grab. She sighed softly and then grabbed his hand gently. "Yeah, it's just so much fun to writhe in embarrassment. I'm glad I could amuse you." He pulled her up and instantly grabbed her jaw and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "Stop being so bratty. You don't want me to have to straighten you out by force?" She looked up into his eyes with lust. "Maybe I want to be straightened out by your very strong and rough calloused hands?" He grabbed her waist with his left hand and brushed her hair out of her face with the other. "Oh really now? We could just ditch the plans for the day and I can humor your little idea." He licked his lips hungrily. Rose really wanted to say yes but they did need clothes for their wedding and the near future. She didn't say anything to him. He looked at her attentively. "Sweetheart?" His voice made her nose bleed for real, it was so nice and sexy. He leaned in close and licked her nose clean of any blood. The metallic taste on his tongue reminded him of his new found humanity. He pulled her chest close to his as he nuzzled his face against her head. "There's no need to hold back, we are going to have plenty of time together. Speak your mind my lovely." She grabbed his pirate coat tightly. "I want to do so many things with you but we need clothes. Can we put our sexy time on hold until our work is done?" He kissed her again on the lips. "I've waited this long to have sex, surely I can wait just a little longer? I love you so much, Rose." He hugged her happily. He then let go of her body and made some distance. "Lead the way my darling flower." He made a hand gesture towards the docks. She looked ahead and saw her friend in the distance with her enhanced hawk vision.

Rose leaped off the roof and flew towards her friend and shouted out his name. He looked her way and caught her. He stood his ground and heavy and strong wind blew around them. He laughed at her excitement and asked how her day was so far. She was all smiles. "What's gotten you in such a happy mood?" As soon as she was set down her shadow transformed into a figure. The deep northern British accent voice cut through the air like a blade. "So you are the one who she wanted me to meet so badly. A slime humanoid disguising themselves as a water Vexus. I'm curious if she even knows that you are lying about your appearance and race." His eyes were in vampire mode as he was being consumed by rage and disgust. Rose looked at Percy confused. "Slime?" He grimaced slightly. "So you must be her destined Fiancee and the famous vampire Dracula. Known for committing more than thousands of years of crimes against humanity. You are famous in hell. We were making bets on how you would kick the bucket. But it seems like we all lost. We didn't expect that a heartless monster like you would ever fall in love." They both were growling and basically at each other's throats. "I said I would try and be civil but I can't be nice to a monster like you!" "I was thinking the same thing, Slime!" They both grabbed each other's collars as they created water and void blades in the air. "Is this fight because of me or something else?" She said bluntly, standing to their right. They both looked her way just as tense. "You don't deserve his love! I want you all to myself!" They both shouted out simultaneously. She face palmed as she walked past Percy and walked towards the Zebastian Seacaster. He was talking to Garrett and Kurtz. "How's it going with the training?" He looked ahead to see her waving his way. His captain and her fiance were fighting against each other over her, as expected. They both looked her way and felt sad about being ignored.

Garrett and Kurtz were beaten up and breathing heavily as they leaned up against each other. "Any progress?" He gestured his hand in the middle. "That's bad? I came by to ask Percy a question but he's too busy fighting with my fiance. So I'll just ask you instead." She gestured to her hellish clothes. "Do you guys have a hell fashion line yet?" He shook his head. She sighed softly. "Damn. I thought so. You guys are mostly bath products and consumable kind of trading company. I guess we'll have to go to hell itself." She blew him a kiss and then strutted towards the two handsome men. She grabbed both of their hands and yanked them to look her way only. They both gave her their full attention. "You both love me, right?" They both went to say something but then she said,"Then shut up and love me. I don't give a fuck about what species or race you are. Whether you are a God, demon, undead creature, human, I don't care. I trust you both, don't spoil what I have granted you. My respect and attention. Vladimir is my soulmate until the end of time. No one can replace or be better than him. All other partners are ranked underneath him. That's just a fact. You accept the terms of the harem, so don't act so pathetic and butt hurt. I made the rules and you accepted them at face value. So deal with it Percy." She let go of Percy's hand and looked at Vlad intently. "We have a date to get back to, are you going to continue acting like a jerk? Or are you going to behave and join me?" He went back to being human and his hair changed color to shimmering gold. He squeezed her hand,"I'm sorry, I'll try and behave." Percy looked at him shocked. The infamous "Vlad The Impaler" just apologized!? And he said he would behave!?

Vladimir turned to look at the pirate, his eyes were back to normal and surprisingly full of life. "I was out of line judging you by your race and species. Forgive me and my rudeness. Rose clearly knew about your secret and was waiting for you to say something. I ruined that for you two, pardon my outburst." He wasn't mocking him anymore. He was being honest and was genuinely trying to be nice. He just stared at him blankly, lost for words. He looked down at Isabella and then question marks appeared above his head. "Why do you call her Rose?"

To be continued...

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