They pull up to a convenience store, the rain starting to get a little heavier than before. Chris turns in his seat and flashes them all a warning look.

"In and out. Don't grab anything crazy. We just need snacks and drinks." Chris says dismissively. "Unless it's condoms I'm not going to allow any unauthorized purchases."

"You're so fucking weird." Ember rolls her eyes, pulling the hood to her hoodie up over her head. Liam doesn't have much time to process the action before Ian is pulling his hood over Liam's head. "Let's go."

They all race out of the car and into the convenience store, trying to not get soaked from taking too long. Ian is right behind Liam the whole way, his hands grabbing the sides of Liam's waist to help stop himself while waiting for Liam to open the door.

Liam ignores the way his stomach is flipping while he walks inside. He thinks it's probably just from not knowing what's going on. It might just be the worry mixing with the happiness to just be in the moment.

Seconds after they get in and start looking through the snack isle, the bell rings again. Liam looks over, having to lean back slightly to look around Ian who's standing beside him. He sees Javi and Lucas walk in, Izzy right behind them.

Izzy runs off to the fridge with energy drinks as soon as she spots Ember. The girls giggle with each other and hug. Piage walks over too after grabbing a bottle of Mountain Dew.

Javi goes over to Chris while Lucas makes his way over to Ian and Liam. Liam turns back to the snacks, picking up a Twinkie. Lucas greets Ian and then his eyes drift to Liam.

Liam looks up at the feeling of eyes on him. He smiles at the blonde boy that just walked in. "Hey."

"Hey." A smile breaks out on Lucas's face too at being noticed. He then turns his attention back to Ian while Liam turns back to the snacks. "Your hoodie?"

Liam pretends not to hear. He doesn't think it's that weird. Why is Lucas asking about it? Is it weird that he's wearing Ian's hoodie? He likes it.

"Yeah. He forgot his." Ian answers simply and, before Liam can wonder off to go find a drink, Ian slings his arm around the boy's shoulder. Liam stops in his tracks, deciding to survey the snacks over here a little longer.

"Oh." Lucas nods. There's something in his tone that's unfamiliar to Liam. When he looks over the blond boy is simply smirking while looking up at Ian.

Liam turns back, picking up a cosmic brownie. He nudges Ian's side, not difficult considering he's being held into it. Ian looks away from Lucas immediately and down to Liam. He smiles softly. "Yeah?"

"Which one should I get?" Liam shows him them. "Or I could get both. Why are we getting snacks again? I think you forgot to tell me."

Ian laughs. "Stop questioning things. Get them both if you want. Get as much junk food as you want, if you can't eat it all or don't like something I'll eat it for you."

Liam nods a little and holds both the snacks in one hand while surveying the other snack cakes the store has. He gets another cupcake thing and then decides he's happy. It's then that Ian and Lucas seem to finish their conversation. It's also then that Liam realizes he's been unintentionally tuning them out.

"Do you got all your snacks?" Ian looks down at Liam again. Liam nods. "Alright. Let's go get drinks."

Ian's arm doesn't slip off his shoulders until they leave the isle. Liam wanders away from the other two to go find the Pepsi. Ian and Lucas go over to the energy drinks, striking up another conversation.

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