Chapter 20

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Caroline gasps awake with blood drying up around the gunshot wound on her forehead. Caroline moans and softly screams in pain as her body tries to heal the wound with the bullet still inside her head. She takes the bullet out of her head and crawls over to August. She shakes him aggressively, but to no avail.

"No." She states as she cries over his body. "You can't be dead." She continues to shake his body.

"Don't waste your time. He's been dead for a while now." Caroline looks up and spots the man that shot her is watching her, with a gun in hand. "I see you got the bullet out." He speculates. "That was... nasty." Caroline looks away from him, with tears threatening to fall down her face. "I got lots of wooden bullets, other toys. It's gonna be a long night, sweet pea." He shoots her on her right breast, making her cry out in pain.

August wakes up to someone slapping him. A man looks down at him and slaps him again.

"Will you stop that! It's very annoying." August states, obviously irritated but hiding it under his nonchalant expression.

"My apologies, Furfur." The man bows his head.

"Who's Furfur? My name is August. August Addams." August holds his hand out for the man to accept, but he shakes his head.

"I can't, sir August."

"No need for such formalities. Just call me August." August says, before looking around the room he's in. The walls are pitch black and look like they're made of obsidian. "Where am I?"

"You're in Hell...August?" The man states, unsure if he should call the name of the young adult before him.

"Oh." August says, hiding panic and fear in the farthest corners of his mind. "Take me to your leader."

"Our leader, August. You are a demon, one of his servants show some respect. He gets very upset when demons disobey or show him attitude." August sighs and nods.

"Well, let's go to 'our' leader." August says, obviously not happy with the though of someone controlling him. "Also, what is your name?"

"Are you sure about this?" The Azazel says. August makes a face at Azazel.

"This leader, he really has you scared." August speculates, noting the way Azazel shakes and whimpers when he mentions their leader.

"Well, seventeen years ago, I watched him kill my best friend and give his heart and powers to you." August stops. Questions running through his head at Azazel's words. (Is that how I became a demon? Did it happen when I died as a baby?) Azazel pushes the huge marble doors open.

"Good luck."

"There's no such thing as luck." August responds, with his dead lazy eyes present. He walks into the room, chin high and walking like he owns the place. "Hello, I'm looking for the boss of this place." August says, getting to the point immediately.

"August Addams, I haven't seen you in seventeen years." A dark skin man says, standing up from a throne. "What brings you here?"

"I don't know. I was hoping you would explain, but you seem useless." August says, and turns to walk away.

"You're dead." The man announces.

"That I know." August says. "But why am I here? Shouldn't I have gone to the other side." The dark skinned man chuckles.

"You don't know?... You're immortal August. Your spirit came here, unaware of your immortality. Now, your body is waiting for its spirit. However, when you go back you will be stronger. One of your eight hearts has been destroyed. With that heart gone, a great deal of magic is now coursing through your body. Use it  wisely." The man snaps his fingers and August disappears. "Do not fail, my little experiment. One day, you will summon me into that world."

August gasps awake, beside Caroline, shocking her and the man. Caroline chuckles despite the pain she is experiencing, as she is curled in a ball on the floor. August's eyes turn a bright bloody red as he turns to the werewolf outside the cage. August growls and throws his hand out. The werewolf goes flying through the trailer wall behind him, and falls to the ground outside. This earns the attention of Tyler, Stefan, Damon and Jules. Jules waves his hands over the bars and the melt into molten. August waves his hand over Caroline's body and heals her wounds. She speeds outside and then proceeds to feed on the man, that was torturing her.

"Ooh, this I like." Damon confesses. Jules whistles and werewolves emerge from the woods.

"Give me Tyler, you're outmatched." Jules says, with her cocky attitude, hiding her sadness at the lost of her lover.

"Oh, the She-wolf brought puppies to a fight. How cute." August says, as he exits the trailer, his red eyes catching everyone's attention.

"Impossible. You were dead." Jules says, turning to face the witch. Caroline pulls away from the dead body and speeds beside August, with blood covering the lower half of her face.

"Suprise bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." August smirks, as the trailer behind him disappears into a flutter of butterflies.

(1) Emotional Shifting (D.Salvatore)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu