Chapter 8

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Mason walks out from behind a tree. Thing hides in a nearby bush and August stands up and pushes Elena behind him.

"What are you three doing out here?" Mason asks them. August sends him a sarcastic smile.

"Who exactly do you think you are fooling with that smile?" August asks with a sadistic smile and his signature dead eyes. Mason shivers and tries to hide his fear of August. "Anyways, where is Damon and Stefan?" August asks. 

"You and Caroline can always sniff them out. Does your mom even know what you are? I'm happy to tell her" Mason threatens Caroline. August sends Mason a confused look.

"Did you just threaten my best friend in front of me?" August asks. He scoffs and signals Thing to attack Mason. August creates a ball of psionic energy and throws it at Mason. The blast sends Mason into a tree. Thing slides down the tree and starts choking Mason. August turns around to Elena and Caroline "Let's go."


August and the girls arrive at the tunnel entrance. August freezes as he hears a gunshot go off and a contained scream. "I didn't know Liz was so incredible at torture." Caroline sends him a small glare. August shrugs and signals into the tunnel. "You don't have to come." He admits.

"It's not that I don't want to come, I'm scared my mom will find out about me." Caroline admits and looks down. August sighs and rests his hand on Caroline's shoulder.

"Look at me, Caroline." August advices her. Caroline looks up and stumbles back slightly from shock. August stands in front of her with a tail and pitch black wings. "Do I look like a monster to you?" He asks her. Caroline nods.

"Yes, you look like a demon from hell." August smirks.

"I don't care." He answers "I don't care what people think about me. You shouldn't either." August admits. "Besides, it's better you tell her than she hears it from someone else." August reminds Caroline. Caroline descends down the stairs first. Elena turns to August.

"How do you do it?" She asks him.

"Do what?" August asks her.

"N-Nevermind." Elena follows August into the tunnel.


Elena enters the main cell where Liz has Stefan and Damon unconscious on the ground. Damon has a gunshot wound on his leg. Liz spots Elena, she turns and points her gun at Elena. Elena's terrified but she hopes August and Caroline assist her. 

"Elena!" Liz scolds suprised "What are you doing?"

"You can't kill them. I'm not gonna let you." Elena replies. The deputy behind Elena gets up and readies his gun and pushes Elena forward. Yellow eyes appear in the darkness, before August reveals himself behind the deputy. August tiptoes to the deputy's ear.

"Put the gun down, and step away." He whispers into the deputy's ear. The deputy drops his gun and faints. August turns to Damon and runs towards him. August starts to use his psionic energy to fasten Damon's healing. A gun shot sounds and August falls beside Damon. An arrow sticks out of August's back. "A palo santo arrow, I'm impressed." August groans as a burning feeling takes over his body A deputy stands at the entrance of the main cell. He goes to take the arrow out, but it burns him once he touches it. August cries out in pain.

"Doused in holy water to." The deputy adds. August's tail appears in attempts to take the arrow out, but it doesn't bulge. Thing crawls towards August and jumps onto the arrow. Thing wraps his fingers around the arrow and pulls it out. August lets out a sigh of relief. The cellar door closes by itself as a blur rushes into the room.

"What was that?" The deputy asks. 

"Back up." August replies with a smirk.

"Who else is with you?" Liz asks demanding an answer. Caroline circles around with vamp speed. She closes in on the standing deputy and pulls him into the shadows, and bites his neck. Liz directs her gun into the shadows. Caroline emerges from the shadows with blood on her face.

"Hi mom." Caroline greets her mother nervously.


"How do you feel?"Damon asks August as he sits him up against a wall. August shrugs,unsure. His body feels tingly, more than likely his body trying to get rid of the holy water in his body.

"Damon, I need a favor." August tells him as he looks up at Damon with serious dead eyes. August pulls his yellow jacket off and shows his neck to Damon. "That arrow had a liquid that is slowly killing me, literally. I want you to suck it out." Damon scoffs.

"That's it?" August nods. "Ofcourse, Bumblee, anything that gives me the chance to drink your blood." August sends Damon a look. Damon sighs as his canines grow. Damon leans towards August. He sinks his fangs into his neck. August moans and bites his lip.

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