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When Morticia got pregnant everyone was excited especially Grandmama and Malicent. People say the two are more excited than Morticia and Gomez. Morticia knows she is to remain in bed, but she gets bored. Morticia walks into her inside garden, Cleopatra senses her immediately and smiles though Morticia can't see the smile hidden under petals.

''Cleo dear, everyone is fussing over this baby like they are carrying it.''Cleo makes a sound that can be assumed to be 'go on' Morticia sighs before she smiles ''my little death star will be here next month Cleo.'' Cleo looks at the callender which reminds her that it's July.

Morticia gasps feeling a soaring pain in the lower region of her body. She grasps her stomach and feels water sliding down her leg. She looks up at Cleo who grows vines from her roots. She pulls a lever on the wall, setting off an alarm. Grandmama, Gomez and Malicent are immediately in the room.

Spotting the water on the ground below Morticia, the grandmothers get excited "a new Addams is ready to enter this world." Grandmama states with a smile. Malicent checks up on Morticia "are you all right dear?" She asks her daughter who shakes her head "No, mother. My insides are all in pain and I feel as if I'm going to fall apart." Malicent smiles "That's natural dear."

Morticia cries out. Grandmama is delivering the baby as Malicent assists. "Push child!" Grandmama screams seeing the baby's head. "He's coming! I can see his little head." Grandmama exclaims with joy. Morticia cries out in pain as the lights flicker. She continues to cry out as she pushes, with all the strength she has left.

Malicent and Grandmama share sad looks, as Morticia and Gomez look at the two with confusion. "Why is he not crying?" Gomez asks "Aren't babies, supposed to cry when they're born?" He asks Morticia. Grandmama sighs as she hands Morticia the bundle wrapped in a blue towel.

Morticia gasps "No." She whispers, as tears gather in her eyes. "No!" She screams in anger and sadness. The lights near her explode. She doesn't hiss or exclaim in pain as a shard punctures her arm. She is to focus, to angry at the sight of her dead child. Gomez takes the child from her with sad eyes. He turns to his mother. "Please, mother use your magic, bring him back." He pleads with sadness. Grandmama struggles to deny her child, his world shattered around him as he holds his dead child.

Grandmama turns to Malicent. "We will perform a Resurrection spell." She tells Malicent, who turns to her with eyes wide as saucers. "We can't, it's to dangerous!" Malicent denies in a hushed tone. Grandmama hisses "Look at your child, Malicent." She orders the woman. Malicent glances at the sad Morticia who stares out the window in sadness. Malicent turns to Grandmama with determined eyes "Let's begin."

Malicent finishes the pentagram of salt. Gomez lays their dead child in the center of the pentagram. Grandmama throws salt onto the baby's body. Malicent and Grandmama stand beside eachother, holding hands as they close their eyes. "Victus phasmatis ex eleto, revertas phastmatis ut victus." They chant but nothing happens. "Why isn't it working?" Gomez questions.

"Try again." Malicent commands Grandmama. "Victus phasmatis ex eleto, revertas phasmatis ut victus." They continue to chant. "Victus phasmatis ex eleto, revertas phasmatis ut victus." They chant again as the wind starts to pick up.


A wailing is heard in the halls of hell. Arcadius screams in irritation. "Where is that noise coming from?!" He asks his guards. They shake in fear "w-w-w-we don't know sir." The continues to shiver in fear. A ball of light appears in the room. Arcadius puts his arm over his eyes, in an attempt at blocking the light. The light floats to the ground, and reveals itself as the source of the wails.

"Bring it to me!" He screams at the lower demons. They shake but one steps up, lifting up the baby and handing it to Arcadius. He looks down at the baby, his interest peaked. "You are an interesting one aren't you?" He teases the baby who giggles. "Why are you here?" He asks the baby. The book of history appears before Arcadius. He rests the baby down on his lap and grabs the book.

"Oh, your parents are those Addams freaks." Arcadius tells the baby. "It would seem, God deems you evil for the sins and crimes of your parents." Arcadius chuckles darkly. "Victus phasmatis ex eleto, revertas phastmatis ut victus." The spells is heard in the room. Arcadius smiles down at the baby "Guess they want you back in the land of the living." He grabs the heart of a lower demon, the demon's body disappears. He crushes the heart, blood splashing onto the baby. "I hope your family loves this little suprise. You will do great things in the future." Arcadius sends the baby up.

"Victus phastmatis ex eleto, revertas phastmatis ut victus!" Grandmama and Malicent scream the chant. Nothing, Morticia cries on Gomez's shoulder as he comforts her. The baby gains a shade of peach to his skin, as he starts to cry. Morticia looks up in anticipation. She slowly saunters towards the bundle of tears.

She gently picks him up. She looks down at him as he cries his heart out. "Oh my precious, star nothing will hurt you, this I swear." She whispers to him. Gomez walks up to them and smiles. "What will you name him, Tish?" He asks his wife, who smiles at the bundle in her arms. "August, after the month he was supposed to be born in." She smile at Gomez.

Grandmama and Malicent share worried looks. They feel it, they sense it. The darkness surrounding their grandchild. "What have we done?" Malicent questions in a hushed tone. "I don't know." Grandmama replies.

16 years has passed. 16 years since August was brought back to life. 16 years of weirdness, acceptance and love. August's family always supported him in every decision he made. Well, almost every decision. "Absolutely not!" Morticia denies. August rolls his eyes "Mom, You are being dramatic." He scolds her. Mortica huffs "I will not let you step foot outside Romania." Gomez nods "listen to your mother." He advices August.

August stares at his parents with his emotionless, dead eyes. "I am going to Mystic Falls." He states bored.  Morticia sighs "Why are you insistent on going to Mystic Falls, death star?" Morticia asks her oldest child. "I don't know, I have this feeling that I should be there." He responds. Morticia sighs "if that's how you feel I won't stop you, my lovely death star." She kisses his forehead and August stares ahead ignoring her. "No signs of affection, mother." Morticia nods.

Lurch places August's luggage into the trunk of his beetle. Pugsley hugs August who looks down at him with a glare. "I'll miss you, big bro." Pugsley states and August feels the need to somehow respond to that, so he simply nods. Wednesday walks up to August. "I hope we cross paths again, in the future perhaps." Wednesday offers and August stared down at the slightly shaking Wednesday. "Remember Wednesday no public sign of affection." She stares up at him with emotionless eyes.

"Ofcourse Devi." August scoffs. "Goodbye Wednesday." She nods in acknowledgement. Morticia walks up to August and kisses his forehead one last time. Gomez walks up to his son "I know how you hate public signs of affection." He starts " I absolutely despise them." August corrects his father. Gomez smiles "Be safe Stormy." August nods in acknowledgement. August gets into his beetle and drives away.

Morticia stares ahead as teats start to fall. Gomez hands her handkerchief. "Don't worry Tish, Our little storm cloud is strong, besides he's not alone." Morticia wipes away her tears, as thing slams up against the back window of August's car.

(1) Emotional Shifting (D.Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now