Chapter 42: Defense

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"This is none of your business, so keep out of this!" Turlan's voice boomed, filled with disdain and a sense of entitlement, as he confronted the men gathered at the gates of Khiva. His intention was clear – to dismiss their involvement and assert his authority over the situation. However, his words were met with a resounding chorus of defiance from the city's residents, armed with sharpened hoes, kitchen tools and their unwavering determination.

"None of our business?" a Khivan man shouted, his voice laced with righteous anger. Brandishing a sharpened hoe, he stood tall and unyielding. "Think again, pal! When you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!"

"None of our business?" a Khivan man shouted, his voice laced with righteous anger. Brandishing a herding staff as his weapon, he stood tall and unyielding. "Think again, pal! When you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!"

A wave of unity and protectiveness swept through the crowd as they voiced their unwavering support for one another. The residents of Khiva, although not seasoned warriors, were bound by a shared identity as farmers, laborers, and craftsmen. The strength of their agricultural society lay not in the might of individual hunters but in their collective spirit, fostered by abundance and a close-knit community.

"What's with this rabble?" Turlan sneered, attempting to dismiss their unified front.

"Go home!" the men yelled. "Beat it!" 

"Yeah! Get out of here!" 

"How dare you filching all the abricots from my yard!?"

Meanwhile, Joruk's guilty conscience betrayed him, muttering under his breath. "... I didn't take all of them."

Azel and Baimat fixated their gaze upon Joruk, their eyes sharp with accusation.

Turlan's voice echoed through the air, brimming with arrogance and entitlement. "Yarr! Stand aside!"

But as he arrogantly marched forward, a sudden grip tightened around his garments, pulling him back. His sword swiftly unsheathed, slashing through the air, but before it could find its mark, a stout man emerged, expertly parrying the strike with a well-wielded staff.

The villagers rallied, their voices thundering in unison. "Push! Push!" they roared, their determination reverberating through the crowd. The riders, met with an unexpected resistance, futilely attempted to force their way through. But the villagers stood strong, their resolve unyielding.

In a magnificent display of unity, more villagers swarmed to the scene, their staffs raised high. With fierce strikes, they rained blows upon the horses, causing the majestic creatures to panic and recoil. Chaos erupted as frightened neighs pierced the air and the nomads found themselves on the backfoot, forced into a hasty retreat.

The triumphant villagers, their hearts aflame with defiance, confronted the defeated riders with unwavering determination. "If you've got something you want to say to us, get down off that horse!" their voices boomed, infused with righteous anger. "Otherwise, you're not getting one step past us!"

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