Chapter 37: Reunion

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Leaving the mausoleum, Amira's gaze swept over the sprawling valley that stretched before her. Her keen eyes caught sight of riders emerging from the distant horizon, their silhouettes growing more defined with each passing moment. A sense of anticipation tingled in the air as she pointed towards the approaching figures, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "Someone's coming! Look, right at that far valley!"

Karluk's eyes followed her pointed finger, his curiosity piqued. "Perhaps they are also pilgrims, seeking solace within these sacred grounds," he mused.

Amira's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the riders drawing closer. Among them, she spotted her brother, Azel, his presence instantly recognizable even from a distance. A surge of joy welled within her.

Azel, riding beside his uncle, Turlan, caught sight of Amira amidst the vast expanse. His voice carried a hint of certainty as he relayed his discovery to Turlan. "It's her," he affirmed, his tone laced with conviction. "That must be her husband accompanying her."

Turlan, a formidable figure with a commanding presence and a black beard that matched his robust character, responded with a satisfied grin. "Excellent," he declared, a spark of relief in his eyes. "That saves us the trouble of venturing to their village."

Karluk's eyebrows knitted together in surprise as Amira's words echoed in his ears. "Your brother?" he questioned, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected arrival of her family members.

Amira's eyes sparkled with excitement, her voice filled with anticipation. "Yes, my brother! Azel, the eldest! Look, everyone's with him, even Uncle Turlan. I wonder what has brought them here," she pondered aloud.

Unable to contain her joy, Amira began to wave and move closer to her old family members, her steps quickened by the pull of familiarity and affection. With unwavering determination, she embarked on a path to reunite with her kin, her heart fluttering with a mix of emotions.

Observing Amira's spirited movements, Pariya felt a surge of empathy and camaraderie. "I'll come with you," she declared, matching Amira's pace as she and Karluk ventured towards the approaching figures.

Meanwhile, Mr. Smith, startled by the sudden turn of events, darted away and found solace behind the shelter of a sturdy tree. His mind raced to catch up with the unfolding scenario. "Hey! Wait!" he called out.

Amira's heart fluttered with excitement as she called out to her approaching family. "Brother! Uncle! It's me, Amira!"

The riders halted their horses, their gazes fixed on the woman rushing towards them. Turlan, Amira's uncle, wore a wistful smile as he recognized his niece. "Amira, it's been too long. You haven't changed a bit."

"I could say the same about you," Amira replied, her voice filled with warmth. "You look as robust as ever, Uncle Turlan."

Karluk joined Amira, standing tall and eager to make a good impression. Turlan's keen eyes focused on the young man, assessing him silently. "And who might this be, Amira? Your husband?"

Karluk nodded respectfully, introducing himself. "Indeed, I am. My name is Karluk, son of Akunbek. It's an honor to meet all of you."

Turlan's expression turned serious as he exchanged a glance with Azel. "So, has a child been conceived of this union yet?" he asked.

Karluk and Amira exchanged a startled glance as Turlan's question hung in the air. The crimson hues of embarrassment colored their cheeks, and they both hesitated before responding.

"No," Karluk stammered, his voice tinged with unease. "There hasn't... Not yet."

Azel exchanged looks with his cousins.

"Nevertheless, we are overjoyed by your presence," Karluk said, his voice carrying a genuine warmth. "Please, come to our home. We would be honored to host you."

As Karluk was about to offer his hospitality for the visiting family, Turlan, Amira's uncle, abruptly interjected, cutting him off mid-sentence. Karluk was taken aback, confused by the sudden change in tone.

"No need for that," Turlan asserted, his voice firm and commanding. 

From her vantage point on the hill, Pariya observed the riders encircling Amira and Karluk. A sense of unease washed over her as she detected an air of tension among the group.

"Amira, your horse," one of the riders addressed her. "Did you bring it? Or are you on foot?"

Amira's brows furrowed in bewilderment. "No," she replied hesitantly. "My horse is right over there..."

"I see," Turlan retorted with an air of authority. "Retrieve your horse. We're going home."

Confusion clouded Amira's face, mirroring the perplexity that gripped Karluk. Who were these men, and what gave them the audacity to dictate their actions?

Karluk maintained a stoic silence, his mind racing with questions and concerns. The situation had taken an unexpected turn, shattering the joyous reunion they had envisioned.

"We're leaving," Turlan declared. "We're taking you back to our village. Come with us, Amira."

Amira's mind raced, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to comprehend the sudden turn of events. Karluk, sensing her distress, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Though he was just a small boy, and although she was more than a head taller than him, he stood determined to shield her from the storm brewing around them.

"Um... What do you mean by that?" Karluk's voice trembled. "This is rather sudden."

Turlan, torn between duty and resentment, met Karluk's gaze, his tone laced with disdain. "I mean exactly what I said," he retorted, the words dripping with cruelty. "We're taking Amira back. She's much too good for the likes of you. You'll just have to find some other wife."

As the tense conversation unfolded, Amira's eyes darted across the scene, her mind racing to assess the dire circumstances they found themselves in. The sight of the armed riders, their bows, arrows, swords, and knives glinting in the sunlight, sent a shiver down her spine. Her own bow, unfortunately, lay with her horse, rendering her weaponless. They outnumbered their small group, making any thoughts of resistance seem futile. Panic threatened to consume her, but she knew she had to stay composed.

While Turlan and the riders exchanged calculating glances, Karluk's voice sliced through the tension with unyielding determination. "There's no way I could ever accept such a thing," he declared, his words brimming with anger. "Amira married me. So I'll be the one to decide where she goes!"

Amira's heart swelled with a mixture of fear and admiration as she witnessed her young husband's courageous stand. Though he stood small in stature, his spirit burned with an unwavering resolve, transforming him into an imposing figure before her eyes. Instinctively, she sought refuge behind him, hoping that his unwavering presence would provide a shield against the looming threat.

Turlan and the riders exchanged glances. They had expected the couple's resistance...

A Bride's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora