MRI Scan

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Amanda slowly woke up in a cold sweat. Her body felt week and limp, but she felt herself slowly regain her strength. At first, everything was blurry. But it started to seem clear to her. Her eyes slowly blinked, as she could hardly keep them half open. She found herself in a white room with nothing but a blurred window and a door right next to it. She seemed confused at first, as she was still half asleep. Amanda silently breathed out, lifting her body to sit up. She moaned in discomfort, and brought a hand to her head and shook it. She sighed as she slowly scanned the ground, but suddenly saw a long chain on the ground. She looked confused once again, then looked at her right ankle. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw some sort of cuff around it. She frantically looked around the room, and immediately found Wooly in the other corner who was just beginning to regain consciousness. His ankle also chained against the wall. "Wooly?" Amanda called with worry. That made the process of him waking up go faster. Finally regaining consciousness, he looked to his right and saw Amanda on her hands and knees on the other side of the big room in worry.

"A-Amanda?" His eyes squinted looking at the dark skinned blur, till his vision finally cleared. His eyes widened. "Amanda!" Once her friend could finally recognize her. She scrambled to her feet to make an attempt to run to him, only for her to scream in pain and collapse to the floor. "No!" He shouted, and quickly crawled over to her. Luckily their chains where long enough to reach each other, but not to the door. Amanda sat up, grabbing her hurt ankle with tears rolling down her face. It looks like they wrapped her leg with bandages and cotton. But yet it still brought pain every time she walked on it.

"Are you okay?" Wooly asked with worry in his voice, placing a hand on her shoulder. Amanda hugged her knee to her chest while looking at her left leg with blood stained bandages. "I-I don't know." She sniffled. She looked at her cuffed leg, and moved it around a little. Watching the chain move with her motions. "Help me up." She said. Wooly got up on his two hooves, and grabbed Amanda's hand. Pulling herself up to her feet, leaving the hurt one slightly elevated. "Where are we?" She asked, looking around the room while practically hopping on one foot. Hearing the chain clanking against the hard floor. Wooly looked around also. "I don't know." He replied, looking down at his left hoof that was chained to the hook in the wall. He looked up at the corner next to the window, and saw a camera with a blinking red light staring right down at them. As Amanda hopped over to the window to attempt to look through it, but the chain stopped just 5 feet away from it. Causing her to trip and fall. "Amanda!" Wooly was able to reach her, grabbing her hand and helping her up to her foot. "You gotta stop falling."

"Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes.

The two cartoon friends suddenly perked up at the door as soon as they heard footsteps and a beeping sound of the steal door. They both grabbed each others arms, and slowly stepped back in fear. The door opens revealing four security guards walking into the room, with a man in a lab coat waiting behind them. Amanda and Wooly step back in fear still holding each other, till two guards on each side pulled them apart. Amanda struggles in their grasp as they unchain her. Forced her wrists together, and cuffed them. Doing the same to Wooly, accepting his fait in fear.

Amanda on the other hand, was still trying to fight back. Screaming and slamming her hands on them, kicking her only stable leg. Till one of the guards got tired of her behavior, and slapped her across the face. Causing her to yelp, jerking her head to the side. Tears flowing down her face with a silent sob. As Wooly watched in horror. "NO!!!" He screamed.

"Hit us again and I'll kill you, you little bitch!" He said sternly in her face, Amanda's face covered in tears. Two of the guards grabbed her arms, and pushed her in front of them. Making her trip again, considering she could only walk on one leg. "Stand up and move along." Amanda with all the fear in her heart, picked up her shaking body. Trying her best to stay on two feet, and it was so painful. The guards brought out their guns. But this time they didn't have tranquilizers...they where war guns with bullets. One of them used the tip of the gun to push Amanda slightly forward. "Don't try and run." The man warned, as Amanda calmly limped out the double door quietly sobbing as the guards walked on each side of her.

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