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"Tell me, was there another dog in front of you, or what was wrong with Bruce?" Her father asked her as Nita entered the dining room.

"No, there wasn't a dog in front of us," she replied. The street had been completely deserted when she got off at the pharmacy to walk the terrier the last bit home.

"It may be able to scent magical fields." It is well known that animals have much more sensitive senses than humans.

"Yes, in any case! The dog has some magical fields in his head. ", her father laughed and turned back to some papers that were lying on the table in front of him. Nita hadn't noticed exactly what it was because she had turned and disappeared again from the dining room with the adjoining kitchen.

"What was I actually doing in the kitchen?" The girl asked herself on the way to her own room. "It's not mealtime and I'm not allowed to cook anything myself anyway."

She pondered for a while, but she just couldn't remember what she had wanted. Had she wanted anything at all? But the reasons why she had gone into the dining room remained veiled, only one thing was clear: she had meant the thing about the magic fields seriously, even if she was once again not taken seriously.

Magic really existed. Nita had seen enough proofs: Forest spirits who lived in gnarled, old trees, moon fairies who visited her at full moon and Bruce was magical too. On certain nights, the small, redbrown terrier turned into a large bear with reddish fur and powerful paws. So far, however, Nita had not found a pattern for his transformations. All she knew was that her family didn't believe her.

Whenever she wanted to introduce one of the forest spirits to her father or her brother, the only thing they saw was its tree. Her father also attributed the extremely fast growth of the vegetables and the absence of pests in their garden to his good care and favorable weather and site conditions, although in reality it were the garden gnomes who lovingly tended the delicate plants and kept all sorts of worms and creepy crawlies away. Her brother firmly believed that Nita only made up the Bear Bruce thing because his pet, an old chameleon that did nothing but crouch in its terrarium day and night, was so much cooler than the young, madly barking dog that had run up to them about a year ago. They had searched for its owner for a long time, after all, dogs were taxed, but finally Nita's father gave up, named the dog Bruce at her request, registered it with the authorities as his dog and since then the Pentagon family has had two pets.

Thoughtfully, Nita stroked Bruce, who was now sitting on her lap in her room, behind the ears. Was he a dog that could turn into a bear, a bear that could turn into a dog, or was he both? Maybe he could turn into other animals too...

"At least you believe in magic." Nita murmured while continuing to stroke him. Bruce certainly wouldn't blame the fairies, ghosts and other mythical creatures Nita encountered on her illness like the rest of the world did, including Leon's chameleon. Nita was pretty sure of that!

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