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Hello! This is my first book on this website, which (if you didn't already know) is a fanfic, so I apologize for any grammar errors or misspelling. Before we continue onto the stories, I would like to specify somethings. 

First order of business is that the image for the cover is not mine, nor do I know who drew the beautiful drawing.

Secondly, all of the characters mentioned in this book and the stories within in are not going to be fully cannon and accurate, sorry for that.

Third of all, sorry if this is boring you, but I do not own these characters that are mentioned in this book. My goldfish memory isn't helping on remembering who exactly created the amazing series Tankmen, apologies for that.

Fourthly, there are going to be certain symbols/emojis next to the titles of the stories to symbolize what the story is going to be about. Here is the emojis and their meanings.

☁️- Fluff (you'll see a lot of this), ❤️‍🔥- Smut (not very good at writing this, but I will try), 🖤- Angst (I am very bad at this specific one, sorry. You probably won't see much of this genre), 🔪-Yandere (something custom I made :D the title explains it all)

Thank you for reading, and please enjoy this random book! 

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