Chapter 24: Acceptance

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Tommy's POV

I wake up to my mother on the foot of a bed. I was confused but quickly realized that my voices took control. She heard me stirring to look at me and smile.

"Hey dear. How was your rest?"

"Fair... what happened last night?"

Mom frowned, "You really hurt Tubbo and then went after Niki. I thankfully knocked you out with my powers before you could hurt her badly."

"Oh no. They have to hate me now!" I say as I clutch onto my head.

Kristen cupped my face, "Dear, they could never truly hate you. It will just take some time to figure out you and your voices. Not to mention you look a little different."

I rush to the mirror in my new room and get freaked out. This can't be me...right?

My eyes were red and I had a hairstreak like Wilbur. I look like a crazed villain than a hero.

"C-can't I change it back?" I ask in horror.

"Sadly, not fully. Your eyes can be changed back with enough practice, but your hair is permanent."

I didn't even know when I started crying but I could only think of one thing:

I was a freak.

Tubbo's POV

I wake up, my vision is shit as a grab my head, immediately regretting it when it starts the throb because of the raw skin being irritated. I didn't remember much, but I do know that Tommy accidently threw fire at me and then attacked me. I get up and barely walk as my legs throb and move like jelly. I look in the mirror just to feel sick. Half of my face was burned and one of my eyes was white. I was blind in that eye. No wonder my vision was shit. Tinkering would get more difficult for sure. 

I heard the door open as somebody rushed to grab me.

"Tubbo you need to rest!" Ranboo yells.

Ranboo teleports me back to the bed and sighs.

"I am fine Boo-"

"Would somebody near death last night be fine!"

My eyes widened, "Near death? What do you mean?"

"Tommy almost killed you last night. You were barely breathing."


"Niki saved you."

"It was an accident...right?"

Ranboo nods, "Tommy's voices took control. He is with Kristin right now."

"Can I speak with him?"

"No! What if he-"

"Ranboo! He is our friend! We need to support him! He is going through a lot right now."

Ranboo sighs as he grabs me. He teleports us directly in Tommy's room. Kristen was comforting Tommy as he was crying.

"Tommy?" Tommy's head immediately swung in my direction.

"Why are you here! I can hurt you again! I'm a freak!"

"You won't," I sadly smile as I hobble over to him, "Tommy. We will never stop being your friends. We will find a way to defeat Dream once and for all. You aren't a freak. You are our friend no matter what."

Tommy looked at me with his red eyes, "Thank you Tubbo. I really needed that."

I hug him, "You have enhanced powers right? Like how Wilbur can use his voice on more people and phase through thicker stuff?"

Tommy looked confused, "I guess. I don't know what anymore."

My eyes beam with excitement, "Can I have a blood sample? I could try and figure it out." Kristin smiles.

"Of course Tubbo!"

I look at Ranboo, "Get me a syringe so I can take some of his blood!"

Ranboo teleports away and Kristin speaks, "I guess this is my cue to leave. My son is in good hands."

Kristin disappeared as me and Tommy said goodbye. I look at Tommy who seemed in a better mood than before. Something was different though.

His eyes were back to blue.


End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. I will probably finish Vampires...Real? and then come back to this so it can be finished. Check out my other stories if you haven't already. Thank you all for the support and have a great day!

Word Count: 634

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