Chapter 6: White

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Wilbur's POV

I strum my guitar as I write lyrics for my new tune. Then Tommy teleported in front of me. Red particles swirled around him as he collapsed and started coughing blood. My eyes widen.

"DAD COME IN HERE QUICK!" I panic. "Tommy what happened!"

"U-used... two powers..." Tommy passed out. He was barely breathing.

"Wil what's up?" Tears prick my eyes.

"Call 911 (or 999), Tommy is barely breathing!" Phil's eyes widened as scrambled to get his phone. He dialed the number and frantically got an ambulance to come.

"What happened?" Phil asked.

"He used two powers." 

"That can't be it. He can handle it now-"

"No he can't dad! When can it go through your bird brain that he can't handle it. He did it twice today and over exhausted himself! We should be happy he is even breathing right now!" I snap as my eyes start to glow red.

"Wilbur calm down."

"Don't tell me to stay calm when my brother is fucking dying because you taught him this party trick! And for what? Satisfaction? Wanting him to beat the number one hero- oh wait he is the number one hero!"


"Don't 'Wilbur' me! This is your fault. You pushed him."

"Wilb-" I slapped him.

"Shut up. After all these years of him gone, he comes back to a shitty father that pushed him so far to the point that he might be dead. Are you happy?"

"He needs to learn. Why should he stop where he's at to be a better hero!"

"Because it kills him Phil."

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Should be the ambulance. I will get them up here. Can you watch Tommy or will you screw that up to?" I growl as hot tears stream down my face.


"Just. Shut up." He did and I run down the stairs to greet the authorities.

"You are the one who called correct?" She was a sweet lady with black braids

"My dad did, but yeah. My brother is upstairs. My dad is with him." 

"Okay! Guys he is upstairs!" People storm in our house. 

They come out with Tommy in an oxygen mask. I rush to the back of the ambulance with Tommy. I hold his hand as we start driving to the hospital.

Surprisingly Phil never came.

Tommy's POV

I wake up and see that I am in a bright white room. I look over to see a sleeping Wilbur with puffy red eyes. I must have gotten taken to the hospital. I observe the room and my eyes widen when I see all the machines and IVS hooked up to me. How could it have gotten this bad!

Wilbur stirs and opens his eyes. He stares at me for a moment before he cries and hugs me.

"I-I thought you were dead." He chokes out, "D-don't do that to me again!"

I stayed silent. I didn't want to speak, but my silence said it all as we hugged for a little longer.

"W-where is Techno and Phil?" I ask as my voice was shaky and hoarse.

"Techno has come here a few times to check in on me and you and Phil... He hasn't visited you once in this week."

"Week! Wait I have been here for a week!" Wilbur nods. "Shit shit shit. Dream!"

"Tommy you are fine. Dream can't get you here!"

"Not that! I used two powers because of Dream! I would have gotten kidnapped if I didn't!" Wilbur's eyes narrowed.

"You're telling me Dream tried kidnapping you." I nod and Wilbur sighs, "Fuck Tommy! 

Why do you attract all the heroes and villains!"


End of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

Word Count: 584

WingedInnit - the sequel to BigInnitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin