Chapter 17: Return?

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Tommy's POV

"I am so glad you're okay mate- oh hey there are your brothers!" Phil smiles as he talks with Wilbur. Wait what?

How the fuck did Wilbur escape the Dream Team?

Techno looked as shocked as me. 

"Tommy! Techno! I missed you!" He gave us both hugs.

"How did you escape?" I ask. Something was off.

"Well I realized that I was in a dream so I woke up and with the little strength I had left, I phased through the restraints and escaped."

"Wouldn't they have disabled your powers?" Techno questions.

Wilbur shrugs, "I guess they thought putting me asleep would be enough."

"I am just glad you are back!" Phil exclaims. He puts us all in a group hug, "Oh Tommy, we need to groom your wings tonight." I huff.

"They are fine."

"No, you skipped the last two! You are not getting out of this one! WingedInnit can't have shitty wings!" I groan.

"I am going to the basement to train." Techno informs us as he walks away. Wilbur just stayed there though.

"Oh uh I am going to get a shower. Get all of these bruises and wound washed." Wilbur quickly left.

"Come on Tommy. Your room. Now." Phil orders as he pushed me along.

"Come on Phil! I am tiredddd."

"You can sleep after this!" 

He led me to my room and turned the shower on. I take my shirt off and open my wings.

Phil gasped, "Your wings are a mess! There are clumps of feathers and your white wings are turning brown!"

"Dad you need to chill. It is only a little dirt."

"Well your white wings are harder to clean because they stain easier!" He huffed, "Now put your wings in the shower."

I sit there as Phil scrubs my wings with soap and oils. It takes about an hour before he is done.  and then he starts to brush out the clumps. 

"Ow! Fuck!"

"Calm down."

I complain as he finally gets done brushing. Now it was time to pluck out the excess feathers. In the end, there was a pile the size of a medium sized dog.

"Thanks Phil. That feels better."

"So you admit that your wings were bad!" He smirked.

I give a sigh of defeat, "Fine! Yeah they were bad. Thank you."

Phil gives me a hug, "You're welcome. Have a good night Toms. I love you."

"I love you too dad. Even if you are old."

Phil chuckles and leaves. I put on a white T-shirt and black sweatpants to sleep in. I go in my bed, but I just can't fall asleep.

"You know Toms, if you can't fall asleep just wake me up and I will play you a song."

"Even if you are sleeping?" 

Wilbur chuckles, "Yeah, playing for you is fun. I would never say no if you asked me."

Wilbur continued strumming another song on his guitar.

I know! I will ask Wilbur! Wilbur's melodies can always put him to sleep!

I rush into Wilbur's room and barge in. Wilbur was just looking at a mirror.


Wilbur jumped, "Holy fuck Tommy! Learn to knock!"

"Sorry I was just wondering if you could play me a song?" 

Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose, "I am fucking busy Tommy and it is too late. Leave me alone."


"Drop it Tommy. Respect my wishes and leave my room!" I felt tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Fine. Fuck you."

I leave Wilbur's room in frustration. I shouldn't have gotten so mad at him...

Maybe then I would have notice the gloss covering his red eyes.


Two chapters today! Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

Word Count: 578

WingedInnit - the sequel to BigInnitWhere stories live. Discover now