# CHAPTER 49 #

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Wei Wuxian took a swig from a clay jar, his eyes fixed on the white-clad man sitting opposite him. Lan Wangji, his husband, had never been good with alcohol, but his tolerance seemed to be improving. He'd, so far, managed a whole three cups of wine without passing out. That said, his ears were reddening more and more as time passed. Wei Ying gave a small smirk.

"Hey, Lan Zhan!" He called, snapping his fingers in front of his face. The man's eyes groggily traveled upward, fixing on the other's smiling lips. He really was quite shameless while drunk. Wei Wuxian leaned forward, reaching out to pinch his cheeks.

"I wonder what your uncle would think if he saw you like this?" He giggled. "The great Hanguang-jun so shit-faced he can barely keep himself upright."

Lan Wangji dipped forward, giving him a chast kiss on the cheek.

"I wonder what you'll think when you diver up? I should probably find a way to let you know how much of shameless you are when you are drunk."

Lan Wangji jerked away, stumbling slightly, his cheeks a shade redder than usual. It was beginning to be hard to tell if it was the wine taking ahold, or something else entirely. He suddenly lurched to his feet, grabbing Wei Wuxian by the scruff of the neck, attempting to drag him to the bed.

"Wah! Lan Zhan! W-what are you doing!? I wasn't serious! There are other people here!"

Despite his pleas, he was lifted up and thrown on to the rocky bed. Groaning, he tried to right himself, but to no avail. Lan Wangji climbed over him, pinning his hands to the sheets on top of the rocky bed. Wei Wuxian kicked and struggled, trying to dislodge him.

It wasn't like he didn't want to fuck Lan Wangji. He did. More than anything. But right now, it wasn't even dark and others were not yet asleep. Anyone could come in and what if they spot this!!!

While Wei Wuxian was listing off scenario after scenario in his head, Lan Wangji had managed to not only tie his wrists together, but remove both of their robes, leaving the two of them half-naked. The younger man snapped back to reality as he felt soft kisses placed on the side of his neck. Panicking, he tried to push his away, but his endeavors were hopeless.

"Ngh~ Lan Zhan, stop! You're too d-drunk! I don't thi-"


Wei 8 stared. Golden eyes met grey. His face was flushed, yet stony. He was clearly still drunk, but seemingly more aware of the situation at hand than before. Even so, he couldn't be thinking straight, could he? He wouldn't do this. He couldn't do this. Not right now. But...it was. Wei Wuxian simply couldn't explain it.

Gathering his courage, he dove forward, capturing his husband's lips in his own. Lan Wangji returned the kiss, letting out a low grunt as he felt a sudden pressure on his groin. Looking down, he saw Wei Wuxian's knee pressed up against his growing erection, rubbing it with as much vigor as he could muster. He gave him a grin.

"Lan Zhan looks angry." He said, placing a kiss on his nose. "I hope he doesn't try to blame me for his lack of control. I didn't start this."

Lan Wangji let out a low growl, gripping Wei Wuxian's hips so hard that indents were left in the soft skin. Before he could process the situation at hand, his trousers were ripped off, removing the little dignity he had left. His cock lay throbbing against his stomach, leaking copious amounts of precum. Wei Wuxian swore that his lover's gaze could burn holes into his flesh. Lan Wangji gave a small smile, glancing up at the smaller man.

"Wei Ying looks beautiful."

Ignoring his compromising position, Wei Wuxain's heart soared. He may be drunk, but as far as he knew, he was much more truthful while inebriated. It didn't matter that they were completely naked. It didn't matter that his obvious boner was fully on display. It didn't matter that both of them were far too drunk for their own good. All that mattered was they were together. They were finally together.

The realization of what was about to happen decisively sobered the two youngsters. Lan Wangji blushed slightly, his eyes shifting between Wei Wuxian's face and dick. Clearing his throat, he spoke.

"I...I apologise. I got carried away. We... We could continue later."

Feeling his weight shift, the younger wrapped his legs around his waist, the two hissing as their cocks rubbed against each other.

"Hah! N-no...don't leave! I don't want to continue later... I want to.. Now... Lan Zhan!"

He sounded so desperate it was a little pathetic. Lan Wangji paused, his face glazing over. Wei Wuxian whined, a rosy tint covering his cheeks.

"Is...is Wei Ying sure?" He asked hesitantly. Abruptly, his head was turned to face him.


Planting his hands firmly on his hips, Lan Wangji drove is cock into Wei Wuxian's hole, earning a loud moan from the shorter youth. His legs shook, trying to adjust to the size stretching his ass. He let out a sob as Lan Wangji began moving, fucking him hard and deep, reaching parts of him that he didn't even know existed. He didn't care that any poor soul who walked past the door would clearly be able to tell what was happening inside. All he could think of was the dick currently rearranging his guts.

Lan Wangji gripped on to the ribbon binding his beloved's hands, driving his shaft further into the pulsing heat surrounding it. Wei Wuxian was babbling, seemingly having forgotten how form coherent sentences. The look on his face was beyond lewd. His tongue hung out of his mouth, head thrown back, drool running down his chin. Every now and then, Lan Wangji would hit a spot inside him that made his practically scream, eyes rolling into the back of his head. His expression could only be matched by the filth that spewed from his lips.

"Ah! Fuck yes! Er-gege, keep-ngh!-keep fucking me like that~ Hah! Don't stop~!"

All of this began to be too much for the esteemed Hanguang-jun. His rhythm faultered, his thrusts becoming sloppier. Judging by his high-pitched moans, Wei Wuxian was also close. Using the last of his strength, he rammed his cock inside his tight hole, groaning as he came. The feeling of being filled sent the younger over the edge, quivering as white ropes painted their stomachs.

Neither of them could be bothered to clean their mess. Rather, they collapsed next to each other, Wei Wuxian snuggling into the firm chest before him. A hand gently caressed his back, rubbing up and down, soothing the shivers running through him. Sleep eventually claimed him, his soft breathing filling the room. Lan Wangji smiled down at him, giving him a gentle kiss on his temple.

"I love you, Wei Ying. Always."

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Wuxian panted. "I love you too!"

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