Chapter 1

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Episode III

Satisfaction is Demanded

Robert C. Gemmell

Copyright 2020


Donner attended Court with Thalia as his companion. While Donner was rubbing arms with the nobles and dancing and drinking through the night. Thalia had her own intentions once inside Woodsford Castle. After stealing a magic tome to give to the Theive's guild, Thalia was captured and Donner, realizing she was in trouble when the shadowclone she left at the party disappeared in a puff of smoke, rushed to rescue her. This act of bravery caught the eye of Sir Theodore, who is in the market for a new Squire...


Donner's parents let him sleep in after his big night. Mary was so eager to gossip with her husband about what might have happened in court between her lovely only son and that nice Thalia girl.

"I bet they finally kissed," she said, giddy and over the moon at Donner had taken that nice Thalia girl to a lavish party.

"He's been annoyed with your assumptions about him and that girl since they were children," Rickard said, "Don't press him too hard, you'll embarrass him," he took her shoulders, and smiled, "Do you have any idea how often my mother would badger me about the baker's daughter when I was his age? You remember, that nice Mary girl. It drove me crazy, almost made stop wanting to see her," he raised his eyebrows, "Almost," he grinned and gave his wife a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay, you're right, dear," she nodded, "He should be getting up soon, breakfast is almost ready," she said, going to the skillet and flipping the morning bacon.

Donner walked out with a smile half forced and half real. Conflicted at the awkward situation Thalia had put him in near the end of the night, but she looked so beautiful in that dress.

"So, did you have fun at court, son?"

"It was fun," Donner said. His reluctance for giving details was mistaken by his parents for mere embarrassment.

"You seem to be so coy about it," she smiled, as she took the bacon off the skillet and plated it bringing it to the table, "You must tell us all about it, was dancing with Thalia at court as much fun as you've always had with her at festivals?"

"It was fun, mother," Donner said, "We danced, the Dance of the Manse," he shrugged.

"Of course you danced at the dance of the manse, everyone has to dance. But the question is, did you dance to any other songs?" Mary grinned, eager to hear any juicy details her son would give her.

"Yes," Donner thought of his dance with the shadow clone. It was a part of Thalia, it could count as a dance with her, maybe. He asked a piece of Thalia to dance, and she agreed, at least a piece of her did. It must have been real on some level. "We danced, and we rubbed arms with the nobles. It was fun, so fun mother," Donner smiled.

"You young kids and your fun," Rickard grinned, "I'm glad, just look at you my boy, conversing with nobles, taking a nice girl to court," he patted Donner's shoulder, "Maybe this adventuring is good for you after all," he said.

"Speaking of adventuring," Donner put Thalia's action at the party away in his mind, "I met Sir Theodore," he smiled.

"Great lord he is, runs this fiefdom high and tight, So what did you converse with Sir Theodore about?" Rickard asked.

"He was actually wearing one of your pauldrons, said it was his favorite one," Donner said.

"No kidding," Rickard laughed, "Sir Theodore, wearing my work into battle, now that is a high honor," he said, smile just as wide as his son's.

"He actually, in a way, made me a proposition," Donner said.

"What about?" Rickard asked.

"Well, he asked me if I was interested in being his Squire, I know it means I won't be able to work in the shop for a while, but Sir Theodore might want me to be his Squire," Donner said, trying to hold back all his pleading in his voice.

"You want to be a Squire," Rickard took a deep breath, and turned to his son, his face straight, "Best ask your mother about that," he said, turning to Mary.

"Squire," his mother's face contorted in confusion, "I thought he had a Squire," she looked to her husband, "Surely he already has a Squire, a man from a noble house I heard."

"His former Squire was recently given his Named Knighthood, and he is in the market for a new one, and he has asked me, not formally yet, but he asked me if I was interested,"

"Well, if it's not formal I'm sure he meant you were just a candidate, Sir Theodore could pick any young boy in the kingdom to be his Squire," his mother said, reassuring herself.

"Yeah, it was just a suggestion," Donner said, backpedaling, "I'm sure it's not serious," the instant he said that the family heard the cooing of a pigeon at their window. Donner's eyes shot open.

"We have a pigeon," he said, looking to his parents. "I'll get it," Donner said, his eyes darting between the two of them as he made his way to the bird. He took the scroll from its leg and sent it off back to where it came from. He looked up as he slowly unrivaled it. He read the words out loud before even reading it to himself, "Sir Theodore of the Axe Hilt has Requested Sir Donner of Hillshade accept the honor to serve as Squire at his Knighthood's pleasure. Training begins Spring 24, appearance at training constitutes acceptance of this great honor," Donner bit his lip as he looked to his parents.

"Hey Dad, do you think the shop can go a few weeks without me?" he asked, biting his lip.

"Donner," Mary looked to her boy, then to her husband "He should do it," she said, grabbing Rickard's hand.

Rickard took a deep sigh, "He should, my love, it seems I'm losing my apprentice," he said, turning to Donner.

"No, it's not like that, it's just a few weeks, just for training. I've read about Squires, they train for a few weeks, and then the title is in name only until-" Donner paused, "Until I earn my name," Donner said,

"You want to earn a name?" his mother said.

"I mean, I don't know, maybe," Donner shrugged, trying to hide his eagerness at the idea. "If I earn a name, I'll earn a name, but even despite that, this is such a good opportunity. Please, please let me have this," Donner clasped his hands and begged.

Rickard smiled, "Go, my son,"

"What?" Donner looked up, shocked.

"Be a Squire, be a Knight, earn a name, start a house, since you were a boy I could always see that you had an eye for the adventurer's life," again he rested his hand on his son's shoulder, then turned to his wife, "Our son is destined for something better than just an occasional visit to court," he smiled.

"He is," Mary turned to Donner, "You are," she said.

"Thank you," Donner said, jumping to his mom to give her a loving hug, as he looked up at his father, "Just a few weeks, and when I get back, I'll be better than any shop hand you could hire in the interim,"

"We'll see about that," Rickard grinned.

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