"But then you must have some idea who's behind it all," Goyle said, and Crabbe looked at Cassi, who had suddenly stopped playing and crossed her arms.

"You know I don't, Goyle. I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you?" Draco looked confused.

Draco, with an expression filled with indignation and frustration, couldn't contain himself.

"Those idiots even accused Cassi, who's closer to being a blood traitor than a mudbloods killer," Draco mocked.

"Don't act like an idiot, Malfoy," Cassi reprimanded him. "We've already had a conversation about this," she raised her eyebrows.

"CONVERSATION? It was more like you practically attacking me for calling Granger a mudblood," Draco sneered. "And all for what? So she and her traitor friends turn against you."

"Enough, Draco. You know it hurts her," Pansy pleaded, getting up to comfort her friend.

"I still can't believe you're helping with the potions to bring them back," Draco pointed out. "You're too good for your own good, Cassi," Draco said, examining something on the table.

"Is this yours?" Draco asked, and with everyone's negative response, he put the object in his pocket.

"Is this yours?" Draco asked, and with everyone's negative response, he put the object in his pocket

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"Crepitomaniac," Cassi playfully teased, still hugging Pansy.

Draco chuckled, and after a pause, he resumed the conversation.

"But my father said this: It's been 50 years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it. Only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me, I hope it's Granger."

"That's enough, Malfoy!" Cassi exclaimed exasperated.

Crabbe suddenly stood up, seemingly about to hit Draco when Goyle restrained him

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Crabbe suddenly stood up, seemingly about to hit Draco when Goyle restrained him.

"What's the matter with you two??! You're acting very odd," Draco asked, confused.
"It's his stomach," Goyle replied.

"I have a potion for that kind of irritation. I can fetch it for you, Crabbe," Cassi kindly offered, already turning to search for it.

"Can you hold Seraphina, Pansy?" Cassi asked, handing over the snake and going to a table.

Pansy was already accustomed to the boa constrictor after seeing it around her friend so many times.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Draco asked, confused, as the two boys started running towards the exit.

Cassi turned around, holding the vial, confused just like Pansy.

"Idiots," Pansy muttered, huffing.


Hospital wing 

Cassi was by Madame Pomfrey's side, assisting in the care of the petrified students, when her gaze fixed on Hermione, who was holding a bucket and vomiting furballs. Worry filled the young witch as she approached her friend timidly.

"Mione?" Cassi asked in a soft voice, trying not to frighten her even more. Hermione seemed embarrassed, with bags under her eyes and disheveled hair.

"Hey Cassi," Hermione attempted a timid smile, though her state revealed her physical and emotional discomfort.
Concerned, Cassi moved closer and asked, "What happened to you? Who did this? Are you okay?" Her eyes scanned every detail of Hermione's body, searching for signs of injury or illness.

Hermione felt a wave of guilt wash over her. There was Cassi, being a caring and concerned friend, even after Hermione had failed to defend her from Ron's accusations, claiming that Cassiopeia was responsible for the attacks on Muggle-borns. Cassi didn't deserve to be treated unfairly like that.

"I'm fine, Cassi, just an incident with a potion gone wrong," Hermione sighed, trying to reassure her friend. However, the feeling of guilt still weighed heavy on her heart. She knew she needed to sincerely apologize to Cassiopeia for her past actions.

Hermione gathered her courage and looked into Cassi's eyes. With a calm and sincere tone, she said, "Cassi, I wanted to apologize sincerely. I wasn't fair to you and I didn't defend you when I should have. I know my past actions were unjust and selfish, and that's not the kind of friend I want to be."

Cassi looked at Hermione, her eyes expressing a mix of surprise and relief. She could feel the sincerity in her friend's words, and her heart softened a little.

Hermione continued, "You've always been a loyal and caring friend to me, even when I didn't deserve it. I'm sorry for doubting you and for not being supportive when you needed it. I promise I'll do everything in my power to make things right."

Cassi looked at Hermione for a moment and then gave her a big hug.
"I appreciate your words, Mione," Cassi responded sincerely.

Hermione felt immense relief knowing that her friend had accepted her apology.

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