Start of Atonement

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Note: My sleep deprived brain took a month to realized I fucked up uploading in the wrong story.

**Jumps off a cliff**


I caused the deaths of some allies I've known, one of them being Alabama. My memory is a bit foggy that day, but I remember angry voices directed towards me. Some of them are pleading and calling out to me but to no avail.


Alabama calls out to me over and over again, but I couldn't see or even move. There's only darkness clouding my mind and everything else. No, I think it's the smoke obscuring my vision. I.....don't really know anymore......

There's only a voice.

[Destroy everything]

It's my own voice.....and somehow it sounds different. Is there another side of me I've been denying? I'm not the kind to think deeply about distractions. That's right.....I rarely question about my mind because this is the first time I'm overwhelmed by emotions.

[Entombed them in a glacial graveyard]

Again and again, it keeps whispering me all sorts of things but it always leads to directing my overwhelmed senses to Iron Blood. It's like I'm blindfolded and confused, but someone is grabbing and pulling me.

"Snap out of it, dumbass!"

Is it Alabama? She keeps yelling and shouting, but I can only make sense some of her words. Even as she keeps shouting at me, she also shoots at me nonstop. Extreme cold air around me serves as my primary protection against their fiery retaliation. Shells and bombs instantly freezes and shattered before even making contact. Though some of them don't break, the frozen gunpowder makes it impossible to create explosions.


How long have I been fighting? Where am I? At first, I'm in Iron Blood tearing and shattering through people I used to call my comrades, but now Alabama's scythe barely pierces through my shoulder because ice formed on my skin, effectively stopping the tip from scratching me.

Just die already......

Everything is dark again. I couldn't hear and see anything. There are only moree explosions.

By the time the noise outside reaches me again, everything is silent.

Yes, it's silent......

....Silent because Alabama suffered a fatal by my hands. Her body on the brink of collapse stubbornly keeps herself standing. Even with jagged icy spears piercing her body, she remains standing.


Neither of us can say anything or want to say anything. In her case, she doesn't have the strength to even let out a single word.....just faint breaths. As for me, my mind is drifting and I cannot react.

My heart is freezing again......



he open, let alone outside the room, is too dangerous to freely act and speak for Tirpitz. So when she's not on a mission or not summoned by someone, Tirpitz spends hours locked in her room. She doesn't find boredom because it's the only place with certain privacy and no risk of intruders.

"I feel annoyed having to hold back....." Tirpitz lazily sits by the desk

In her free time, Tirpitz keeps her hands a few inches close to each other. Cold air condenses in the middle, solidifying and taking the intricate shape of a snowflake.

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