Chapter 38

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A month after Reilly's surgery, her eating dinner on the couch with music playing in the background. Reilly was nervous, Doctor Thompson cleared her to return to work. Her hair grew a bit and now she had a very short pixie cut. She was a little distracted and wondered if she should cover her head with a scarf or a hat. Greg came to work wearing a baseball cap a lot, so why couldn't she?

"What's on your mind?" Greg asked. He had been watching her for five minutes. He did that a lot, looking at her and admiring her. For the past month, he'd taken care of her as best he could. He was making her antsy, starting to get on her nerves. The two of them had grown closer in the past month, everything was going smoothly, after all they had belonged together for a long time. Now they just added cuddling and kissing. That's another thing, Reilly was still nervous about sex. She really didn't want to let Greg down and lose him, even though she knew he wouldn't leave her over it.

Reilly put her food down and looked at him "Do you think I should wear a hat or something tomorrow?" she asked, unconsciously touching her short hair.

"Why, do you want to mug someone? Or rob a hospital? Because if you do, first of all I'm going to do it too, and secondly it's going to take more than a head covering." Greg knew she was self-conscious about her hair, and he also knew it was more about the reaction of others, and that they would look at her any differently now. He wanted to distract her .

"Greg you know that's not what I mean," she said with a roll of her eyes.Greg just smiled and said with a smile "I know." He continued to look at her for a moment and then put his food down too. "Come here." He beckoned her and she leaned back against his stomach with his arms around her. "If someone gives you any grief. Then tell me and I'll put a spell on Cuddy. And she's gonna do what I want- fire them. And if it's one of the patients, I'll deal with them personally." That made Rilley laugh out loud.

"Thanks..." and though he didn't see it a smile played on her face as she continued to play with his fingers, Greg intertwined them and for a moment they both just layed together on the couch. Another song was playing on the radio and they both recognized it immediately. "What's the name of the song again?"

"Hard to say." House mused. He pushed her slightly and said, "Come on." He got up from the couch and held out his hand to her. When she looked at him to see if he was serious he raised his eyebrows and started whistling a tune like he had once upon a time. That made Reilly laugh again, she took his hand and Greg twisted her under it. Then, they just moved together slowly to the beat and shared sweet kisses.


Reilly stood in her closet looking at her clothes. It was warm so she chose a sleeveless blue dress with a full skirt. She hung it on the back of the closet door and then walked out into the bedroom. House sat in the middle of the bed smiling. Reilly walked over to the bed and looked at him dubiously. "I know that smile," she told him. "You want to do it now."

"It's not torture, you know," he said. "It's a beautiful act of love between-"

"I got that speech from Mom when I was sixteen."

House shook his head and a frown creased his face. "That old? Really?"

"I'm surprised she told me at all," Reilly laughed as she sat on the bed and faced him. "She also said it was the most amazing thing and she loved it."

"Well, I'm guessing Nan enjoyed it, too," he smirked referring to her grandmother.

Reilly looked down. "I don't want to disappoint you."

"You won't disappoint me. Sex is always good for me. I'm a man, I get enough stimulation and I'm gonna have a happy ending." He lifted her chin. "I would not say this to any other woman but I don't want to disappoint you. Every man you've had sex with has disappointed you. You labor under the delusion it has something to do with you. It doesn't. Until me, you were involved with self-absorbed assholes." He widened his eyes and Reilly laughed. Then she blew out some air and moved closer to him.

You are mine, and I am yours (Gregory House)Where stories live. Discover now