Chapter 11

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Author's note: So from now on, you'll be able to recognize some parts that appear in the series


Near the beginning of their third year of med school, Greg decided to test a theory. He complained to Reilly that he didn't think the instructors were treating him fairly. She noticed they seemed to be harder on him and were harsher toward him. When he told her what he planned to do, she begged him not to do it.

He came home one evening and began to pack. "What are you doing?" Reilly asked as she followed him into his room.

"I've been caught cheating and they put me on academic probation. I can go to med school in Michigan until my probation period is up. If they let me come back," he said stonily as he threw clothes in a suitcase.

"Pack just enough to get you through the probation because you're coming back," she told him. "But, please tell me what happened."

He grabbed another suitcase. "I cheated. I knew they were treating me differently and I was right. I got a D and the guy I switched papers with got an A. Von Leiberman found out and ran squealing like the rat he is."

Reilly bit her lip. He looked over at her. "You can say it," he told her.

She shook her head and pulled him in for a tight hug. He stood stiffly in her embrace until she released him.

"You will be back," she told him. "And things will be better when you do."

"Jesus, Reilly! Stop being such a fucking Pollyanna!" he shouted. "Life isn't always fucking perfect no matter how much you want it to be!"

She jerked back as if he slapped her. Slowly she turned and left the room. A moment later he heard the front door open and close. He continued to throw clothes into the suitcase. He shook off any bad feeling he might have even though he knew he'd gone too far

Reilly didn't speak to him again. She stayed out of the apartment except to sleep and didn't tell him goodbye when he left. She felt hurt. Her Greg never raised his voice at her. He didn't even try to make things right between them.

He knew he'd ruined things between them but he didn't know how to fix it. So, he went to Michigan State and continued his third year of medical school. When he wasn't inserting IVs or checking patients' vital signs, he hung out in the school bookshop. 


Gregory House spotted a girl with dark hair, blue eyes, huge breasts, a narrow waist and curvy hips. After some discreet inquiries, he learned her name was Lisa Cuddy and she was a freshman. She spent a lot of time in the library so Greg started to spend time there.

One night in late January, one of his classmates threw a party. Lisa showed up and Greg walked up to her and handed her a cup of beer.

"I'm House," he told her with a disarming smile.

"I know," she blushed.

"And you're Lisa Cuddy," he said as he backed her up against the wall and put his hands on the wall on either side of her. Her blush deepened as he kept checking her out and she drained her cup.

"Let's go upstairs," he suggested.
She nodded and let him lead her up to an empty bedroom. 

XxXxXxXx (warning!: mature scene ahead. You can continue reading with the next XxXxXxXx

He closed the door and began to kiss her. He threaded his fingers through her dark curls as his tongue slid into her mouth. 

She arched up against him and ran her hands up under his sweater pulling it over his head. Her nails lightly scraped along his skin leaving a trail of fire. He pulled her pink sweater over her head and ran his finger along the lacy top of her red bra.

 Reaching behind her, he unhooked it and slid it off her shoulders. He cupped her breasts rubbing his thumbs over her rock hard nipples. She tilted back her head and moaned. He leaned in to kiss her again reveling in the feel of her breasts pressing against his chest.

They stripped the rest of their clothes off and Greg grabbed a condom from his back pocket. He never had sex with anyone without protection.

Lisa sat on her heels on the bed and took it from him when he moved beside her. She grasped his cock and rolled the condom on. Then she laid back but Greg shook his head and pulled her up. 

He sat with his back against the wall and pulled her onto his lap. He groaned when she slid down onto his cock. He kissed her again. Putting her hands on his shoulders, she started to move up and down on him. She tossed her hair over her shoulders and he leaned forward to take one breast into his mouth, sucking and licking her heated skin. He pressed on her clit and she screamed as an orgasm pounded through her. 

He smiled, satisfied with his "work" and rolled her onto her back. He fell onto the bed beside her, leaned over her and kissed her. 

XxXxXxXx (alright it's safe againg )

The door flew open and one of his friends came in.

"Sorry, man, but the Dean is looking for you!" he said and then closed the door.

Greg looked down at Lisa. "I should go find out what I did wrong now," he said softly.
She nodded and sat up. 

She watched him dress and then crawled to the end of the bed. He kissed her again and then left.

Greg whistled as he made his way to the Dean's office. He would find out what he wanted then head back to the party and Lisa. He wanted to get to know her better. She was the first girl since Niamah that actually interested him.

But when the Dean told Greg he could return to Hopkins Lisa was forgotten. He would have to repeat his third year of medical school. In the meantime, he could return home until the fall semester at Hopkins started. Greg wasn't happy with this revelation, but knew that it is the best outcome.

He went back to his studio apartment, packed his clothes and books, and left. He felt a twinge of guilt about leaving Lisa without telling her why but he had to find a job and a new place to live. He was selfish bastard, and Lisa was better without him. At least that's what he said to himself to feel better.  

As he packed he thought about his best friend. 

His Reilly.

He missed her....

He knew he had to make it right between them, but how could he fix him shouting at her? Making her flinch away from him. Making her feel scared of him...


Okay so this was written in a hurry and I think it shows a lot, but I warned you about my background and that English is my second language. I am sorry....

You are mine, and I am yours (Gregory House)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum