But it was then.

“Everyone stay here. I will deal with them.”


Ian got off Blue Emperor and started to walk while holding the banner.

All the knights immediately blocked him as he headed straight toward the other side of the bridge, much less while bringing a small chair in one hand.

“Are you out of your mind? What do you mean you’re going to block that great army!”

“Did you forget that I have the Great Warrior banner? We can’t get to Balrog unless we break through them anyway, so I will subdue them and advance to Balrog without sacrificing the soldiers.”

The knights stared at him speechlessly.

Of course, his fighting Yamanta before was as shocking to them.

“Anyway, that’s not okay. This is nothing like back then!”

“There is no guarantee that the enemies will fight meekly.”

“Fiosen is right. What if there are people who ignore the banner?”

“The reason Yamanta fought against Your Highness must have been because of the unfavorable situation.”


Yamanta cleared his throat as if to hint had been listening in as well.

But nobody cared.

Ian calmed down the knights. He understood well what they felt.

“Trust me once more, as you have always done.”

Yet, the moment he was reassuring them.

Nathan, his face devoid of its usual playfulness, spoke with all seriousness.

“We trust you, Your Highness. That’s why we beg you not to try to do it alone. Please share the burden with us.”


Everyone froze in surprise.

Their reactions were understandable. Nobody in their wildest dream ever expected Nathan to be the one saying that. But they seemed to be of the same thought. Everyone looked at Ian with burning gazes.

Now that it had come to this, he couldn’t help it.

“All right. Then, this time, I will accept the knights’ help.”

“Well thought out!”

“Just put your faith in us!”

The knights cheered at Ian’s permission.

However, Ian giving them permission was not simply due to the knights’ will.

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