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"Hi! I'm Amanda!" Amanda greeted, waving at the camera with a bright smile on her face.
"And I'm Wooly!" He greeted with joy.
There was some space of silence, like Amanda had to think for a moment.
She let out a sigh and continued.
"Today, we're getting some meat for grandma!" She cheered, clasping her hands behind her back.
"But isn't grandma a vegetarian?" Wooly asked, knowing that grandma was against killing and eating animals.
But wooly was also scared, just seeing the dancing meat with eyes and the horrendous smell of raw flesh.

       "Do you know where the butcher is?" Amanda asked the camera.

She doesn't know if anyone was watching her program or not.
The big old camera was just there...recording.

"There it is! Let's go!" Amanda exclaimed, pointing to the store that the supposed viewer pointed to.
After the camera was off for the moment, Amanda and wooly walked across the street to get to the butcher shop.
But wooly knew something was off.
He looked over at Amanda as they where walking.
He realized as soon as the camera turned of, her smile immediately disappeared like her cheek bones where getting tired of smiling.
She didn't even bother to look at wooly, she just stared ahead like she was a psychopath or giving a death stare.
She looked tired, with dark circles under her eyes.
Her eyes looked empty, and she was slouching slightly and resting her hands in her short pockets.
Even off camera she would always have a smile.
But now, she just looks like she's ready for bed.

They arrived at the shop as the camera followed.
Nobody was carrying it, it was like it had a mind of its own.
Before it started recording again, Amanda fixed her poster straightened her T and plastered a smile back on her face.
The red light flashed on.

Amanda suddenly turned over to the butcher with the ball shaped head and the goggly eyes, and waved.
"Hello meat man!" She said brightly.
Amanda turned back to the camera.
"Tell the meat man what we need."

Wooly looked nervous just being there.
He still has trauma from the last time they 'went to get meat for grandma'.
But he would some how always come back for the next episode.
There was a moment of silence once again, and wooly turned to Amanda.

She was trying her best to keep a big smile, but she couldn't considering that her face was twitching uncontrollably.
Her cheek bones where beginning to hurt and sore.
Amanda let her smile slowly fade from her face.
Her eye lids lowering like she was about to fall asleep.
Now wooly knows something's wrong.
She seemed week, and...sad?
Her brown eyes where glossy from the sleepless nights.
Wooly even saw a small tear trickle down her cheek, but it wasn't of sadness.

"A-Amanda?" Wooly inched a little closer to her, trying to get a closer look at her face.
She slowly turned away, rubbing her left arm.
"There's nothing here that I want." She said in a low tone, instead of her usual high bright and joyful voice.
"I don't want to play anymore right now." She said, her gaze lowering to the ground.
"T-that's okay, we can go on another adventure tomorrow." Wooly suggested. Anything for her not to get angry. Wooly looked back at the camera. But it wasn't there. Nothing but empty space.
Wooly heard a loud growl of someone's stomach as his ear lifted.
He looked back at Amanda, seeing her clutching her stomach letting out a slight moan.
Her face scrunched slightly like she was in pain.

       "Amanda," wooly placed a hand on her shoulder.

He expected her she push him or shove him off.
But she was too tired to even do anything.
"Are you okay?" Wooly asked, trying to look her in the eye.
But she just kept looking away.
"I-I'm fine...I just haven't eaten anything yet." She said in her low tone once Again.
Wooly scanned her body, and it did look skinnier than usual.
He looked back at her.
"How long has it been since you've eaten?" Wooly asked in worry.

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