Check Up

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*Disclaimer* Smutty

Your baby brother Alby was only six weeks old when your step mother remembered you were available for her to manipulate anyway she pleases.

It was during Alby's six week check up at the doctor's office.

Your Dad was at work.

You didn't mind staying home alone, but Billie said she was going to need help with Alby.

You were disappointed finding out that Alby was in fact your real half meant your new step mother was here to stay.

It had been so long, since Billie last played any secret special games with you, that you assumed she didn't want to anymore.

After all, she had a baby to take care of now.

She was a real mom......

You thought you were in the clear.....

That maybe you and Billie would have a normal mother daughter relationship now.....

Well as normal as forgetting the past can be....

Alby got fussy at the doctor's office.

He started crying in the waiting room - disturbing the other patients- so the three of you were quickly called back into the exam room.

Alby was just tired and fell asleep in the middle of his exam.

So Billie picked him up and put him in the baby carrier against her chest, as she looked at you and said it was your turn to hop up on the exam table because she booked a double appointment.

You told the doctor you felt just fine - but he said it's important that growing girls like you get their annual physicals.

Especially if you plan on playing any sports during summer camp this year.

You forgot all about summer camp.....

It was something you used to do before your real mom died.

Billie said she booked you for a full body exam - for the medical papers so you would qualify for an exclusive dance school audition.

You didn't know you had to get naked for the physical.....

The doctor said you could keep your underwear on, but you weren't wearing any.....

So you just sat up on the exam table naked.

Billie told the doctor you had a yeast infection "down there"

The doctor had already finished your external exam though, and said you were "fine"

"- But her legs aren't even open - honey, lay back and spread your legs so the doctor can take a look down there." Your step mother said.

So you laid back on the exam table and opened your legs up for the doctor.

He glanced down at your bare privates quickly, before looking away and saying you looked fine.

"- But you didn't even open up her lips, Doctor! Open her and look inside her hole." Billie said as she started rubbing a sleeping Alby's back.

You could tell she was hiding a smirk - entertained at this strange new doctor's office game.

"Is there something wrong with her vagina?" The doctor asked, as he went over to pull on some new gloves.

" tell me doctor. I'm really concerned about a... umm...a sticky white cream that drips out of her."

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