Happy Mother's Day

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*Disclaimer* G/G Filth (We'll see how long it stays up)

It was Mother's Day and all you wanted to do was sleep the entire day away.

When you were sleeping you got to dream about your Mom.....

You even wished her a happy Mother's Day in your dreams.....

You wished you could sleep forever - but your new step mother, Billie, would never allow it.

She woke you up at 10 am on Mother's Day saying you had slept in enough and it was time to get out of bed and go to the park to plant flowers with her and the other moms with their daughters.

You didn't want to do shit with Billie!

She wasn't your real mom and you weren't her real daughter!

You didn't care what that adoption paper said!

It was just a cheap piece of paper!

You didn't need Billie as your new Mom!

You hated her guts!

She admitted to KILLING your real mom just to cozy up to your Dad and trick him into marrying her!

You tried to break them up for nearly a year - but nothing you did worked....and the second worst day of your life came when your Dad married Billie Eilish just last month in April.....

They didn't go on a honeymoon because they didn't want to leave you behind.

So instead of getting a few nights of freedom to yourself - you ended up being Billie's main entertainment on her honeymoon night while your Dad went to the bar to get drunk like he always does.

While your Dad was probably chugging rum and coke - you were busy gagging under Billie, as she rode your tongue with her soaked pussy slit - forcing you to lick inside of her sweaty girl cum filled lips until she squirted all over your mouth and up your nose.

She was nice enough to lick your face clean afterward, since you hadn't earned the right to take a bath that night.

Baths are for "clean girls" not "dirty girls" and you were a dirty girl for gooing.

She checked - reaching down to feel inbetween your own folds after she squirted on your face.

She said she felt your creamies leaking out and she could feel how open and slick your baby hole was....

It became your normal bedtime routine.

Your Dad was always late coming home from work because he was always going to the bar to get drunk first.

You wished you could get drunk everyday to forget the death of your mom - but Billie would never allow you to drink.

You used to love milkshakes and hamburgers- but since your new step mother was a vegan - you and your Dad had to be vegans now too!

You got chicken strips at school one day - and someone snitched on you because Billie made you throw it up as soon as you got home.

She met you at the door and dragged you into the bathroom - forcing you to bend over the toilet before she shoved her fingers down your throat and made you puke up your lunch.

Then she made you apologize to the chicken puke for eating his chicken meat.

You wanted to run away......but you needed money.

The GoFundMe donations continued to poor in - nearly a year after your mother's tragic death, but you had no access to the money.

Billie took it and used most of it as a down payment for a new house.

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